Do a basic search from the search window on the upper right. To get to the Advanced search, click a module (e.g. Canis), then click the Search Vetlexicon link in the center of the page. Choose from the species and/or content type options, for example to see all Canis videos.

If you click the link to a Species Section eg (EQUIS), an overview of clinical specialty information will display. The information varies by species
All modules include sections on:
Anesthesia, Behavior, Breeds, Cardiology, Critical Care, Dermatology, Diagnostic Imaging, Internal Medicine, Laboratory Medicine, Musculoskeletal, Neurology, Nutrition, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Parasitology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Reproduction, Respiratory, Toxicology, and Urinary topics
All but the BOVIS module have sections on:
Dentistry, Gastrohepatology, Microbiology, Owner Information, Pathology, and break Surgery into Surgery-Orthopedic, Surgery-Soft Tissue,
All but the EQUIS module has a section on: Diagnostic Trees
Unique sections for the different modules:
CANIS - Basic Science, Life Stages
EXOTIS - Although it appears that Penn does not subscribe to Exotis, clicking the link will display 3 subsets: Ferrets, Guinea Pigs, and Reptiles. Click one of these to see content.

FELIS - Life Stages
BOVIS - Alimentary, Biosecurity and zoonoses, Diagnostic Trees, Farmer Information sheets, Food hygiene, Genetics, Health & Safety, Herd Health, Hepatobiliary, Husbandry & Welfare, Neonatology, Notifiable Diseases, One Health, Udder health
Graphic algorithms from NAVC's Clinicians Brief help clinicians efficiently select tests, eliminate differentials, and determine the next steps for treatment.
Heart sounds for a several species