Oxford Bibliographies Online
Under Browse by Subject, select Cinema & Media Studies. There are overviews here on such topics as Censorship, Film Theory Before 1945, and Women in Film.
Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film
Encyclopedia covers topics like production, national cinemas, studios, genres, theory and film history. A-Z index, short bios, and further recommended sources.
Oxford Dictionary of Film Studies
Defines terms and concepts in film theory and criticism, film movements and genres, film industry organizations, practices and technical terms.
Film Index International - Film info includes plot summaries, awards, recommended scholarly articles and reviews. Person info includes real names, age, awards, filmography. From the silent era to the present, including international films and personalities.
Copyright and Piracy
by Peter Decherney
(from Oxford Bibliographies Online)
Variety - A major Hollywood industry trade magazine, Variety includes box office statistics and more. |