This is a one stop quide that provides links for chat, finding your subject specialist, making an appointment, submitting a question, finding library spaces, technology assistance, and more.
This directory of the Penn Libraries more than 50 subject librarians is arranged by subjects aligned with departments and schools. Subject librarians can assist you with collections, research, provide you with publishing support, and will help you navigate the services provided by the Libraries.
This link takes you to the form to set up your proxy. Both the faculty member submitting the form and the proxy will need to include contact information including PennKey. Both faculty member and proxy will need to sign the form.
Learn about and access citation management tools and assistance offered by the Libraries. You may also be interested in the Citation Management Practices guide to support your students. The Libraries has campus-wide licenses for Zotero, Endnote, Refworks, PowerNotes, and Noodle Tools
LaTeX is an open source typesetting program that's particularly good for mathematical and scientific publications. Overleaf is an online LaTeX and Rich Text collaborative writing and publishing tool that makes the whole process of academic writing, editing and publishing much quicker and easier.