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Library Account

About Your Account / Circulation Contact Info

Your library account provides:

  • Profile: full name, email address on file, phone, address, expiration date and account type.
  • Items you have on loan, with due dates.
  • Requests for delivery of Penn works and BorrowDirect, EZ Borrow, and Interlibrary loan requests.
  • Fines and fees assessed to your account.
  • The ability to renew eligible materials or cancel requests.

For Penn Libraries Account questions, contact:

Van Pelt Library Circulation Department

3420 Walnut Street | 215-898-7566 |

See also: Circulation and Your Library Account

PennKey Login - Faculty, Student, Staff, Affiliates

Students, faculty, and staff, as well as a number of affiliations, as listed below, use their PennKey and password to log into their Penn Libraries account. For more information about PennKeys, see PennKey Support

Can't Log in?

Are you sure you have an active PennKey and an active Penn Card?

Please visit the Van Pelt Library Circulation Desk for assistance.

Are you a student, faculty member or staff member?

Your PennCard may be inactive. Please contact the PennCard Center for assistance. Once your PennCard is active, you should be able to log into your Library Account in 24 hours.

Do you have one of the following Affiliations? 

Courtesy Appointment -- Emeritus & Retired Faculty -- Monell -- Overseer -- Penn Religious Community Member -- English Language Program Student -- Temporary Staff -- Trustee -- Visiting Student -- Wistar Faculty or Staff

If you have an active PennCard, it may not have been registered with the Libraries. Contact the Van Pelt Library Circulation Department for assistance.

If you don't have a PennCard at all, or it's inactive, please visit the PennCard Center to acquire or reactivate your PennCard. Then visit the Van Pelt Library Circulation desk to open a library account.

Are you a Health System affiliate or CHOP employee?

  • If you have a PennKey and are having trouble logging in, please visit or contact the Holman Biotech Commons  for assistance.

  • If you do not have a PennKey ...

    • Do you have a joint appointment with Penn Medical School?

      If so, you are eligible to log in with a PennKey account. To get a PennKey and an active PennCard, contact the PennCard Center. Then visit the Van Pelt Library Circulation desk to open a library account.

    • Are you affiliated with CHOP and, in addition, do you have a research affiliation with Penn Medical School?

      If so, you may be eligible to log in with a PennKey account. Contact CHOP PennKey Administration at see PennKey Support for CHOP Affiliates.
  • If you are not eligible for a PennKey, you can also consider becoming a Courtesy Borrower.

Login - Subscribed Alumni and Courtesy Borrowers

Click here to Access Your Library Account

Can't Log in?

Are you a Penn Alumnus?

  • To borrow and request print materials from any of our Penn Libraries, including our offsite facility LIBRA, alumni must acquire an alumni library account AND enable account authentication by purchasing alumni borrowing privileges.  For details, see the Alumni box on the Courtesy Borrowing page.
  • Logging into your library account is done with your enabled library account authentication, not a PennKey. To enable authentication, contact the Van Pelt Library Circulation Desk at 215-898-7566 and ask for the activation letter.  We will send you a link and directions to authenticate with our library system. You can then use the request function, check your library account online, view due dates, and renew materials.
  • E-resources - With a registered Alumni PennKey, you can access a selection of databases remotely.  For more information and a list with links to these resources, see the E-Resources tab of our Alumni Services Guide.


Are you a currently Subscribed Alumni or Courtesy Borrower, but you have never logged in before?

Call or visit the Van Pelt  Library Circulation desk to have your login activated. We will send you a link and directions to authenticate with our library system, and then you will login above. 

Has your Subscribed Alumni or Courtesy Borrower account expired?

If your Courtesy Borrow account has expired, see Courtesy Borrowing for account options and contact Van Pelt Circulation.

If you Alumni Account has expired, see the Alumni box on the Courtesy Borrower page and contact Van Pelt Circulation.


Instructions for Athenaeum of Philadelphia Members

  • Athenaeum members login to Find as "Courtesy Borrowers" here using the email address on file as their username (case-sensitive). If it is your first time logging in, contact to have a password reset link sent to you.
  • Only Athenaeum members at the Shareholder level may borrow materials owned by the University of Pennsylvania. For all non-Shareholders, use this link to search and request Athenaeum-owned items only: 
  •  All Athenaeum members can place holds on Athenaeum-owned materials which are currently checked out. To do so, email with your request. Such requests cannot be made through Find. Shareholders cannot place holds on Penn-owned materials which are checked out. They must be listed as "Available" to be ordered.
  • If you are an Athenaeum member who also has an active PennKey, you may choose to checkout Athenaeum materials using your Penn account so they can be managed through a single login. Let Athenaeum library staff know your preference at check-out.
  • Athenaeum members do not have access to Penn's subscription digital resources or Interlibrary Loan network.
  • For any other issues or questions, contact for assistance.
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