To limit your search terms to a specific field (author, title, subject heading, call number, etc.) either:
Once in the catalog, click on the Advanced link immediately to the right of the Find It search box.
Once in the Advanced search, separate your search terms into the relative fields you would like to search. Fields are labeled by row.
Field Codes may be used in keyword searches. For example, title_aux_search:cathedral AND creator_aux_unstem_search:carver
Put searches of more than one word within parentheses, otherwise the first word is searched in the specified field and the second word is searched in the full database. For example, journal_title_search:(social AND policy)
Put phrases in quotations marks. For example: journal_title_search:("kenyon review")
Several fields have the ability to be searched either stemmed (automatically including variant endings) or unstemmed (exactly as searched). If you see a field with _unstem below, you can remove that portion of the field to search stemmed. For example, journal_title_unstem_search: will turn off stemmed searches in the journal title fields, and journal_title_search: will enable stemming.
Outside of using field codes, nearly all fields are auto-stemmed by default. The exception is Author keyword, which is deliberately unstemmed.
Field Name | Field Code | Search Examples |
Author Keyword | creator_aux_unstem_search: | creator_aux_unstem_search:hemingway |
Title Keyword | title_aux_search: | title_aux_search:("cloud atlas") |
Journal Title Keyword | journal_title_unstem_search: | journal_title_unstem_search:conjunctions journal_title_unstem_search:("social forces") journal_title_unstem_search:(social AND economics) |
Series | series_unstem_search: | series_unstem_search:("solid state physics") series_unstem_search:("literary biography") AND poets |
Subject | subject_unstem_search: | subject_unstem_search:(dickens AND expectations) |
Form/Genre | genre_unstem_search: | genre_unstem_search:("ethnographic films") |
Publisher | publisher_unstem_search: | publisher_unstem_search:sage |
Place of Publication | place_of_publication_unstem_search: | place_of_publication_unstem_search:philadelphia |
Conference | conference_unstem_search: | conference_unstem_search:solvay |
Corporate Author | corporate_author_unstem_search: | corporate_author_unstem_search:("university of pennsylvania") |
ISBN/ISSN | isxn_search: | isxn_search:0521875838 isxn_search:0521878* |
Publisher Number (for music, sound, video) | publisher_number_search: |
publisher_number_search:MCA |
Call number | call_number: |
call_number:("BF575.H27 L85 1999") |
Language | language_search: |
language_search:french |
Contents notes | contents_note_unstem_search: |
contents_note_unstem_search:("song of myself") |
Record (MMS ID) | mmsid: |
mmsid:9941447343503681 |
OCLC | oclc_id_ss: | oclc_id_ss:841916845 |
Publication date | publication_date_s: |
publication_date_s:1987 |