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Using the Library Catalog

Searching by Language

Limiting by language

Following a search, click on a specific language within the language limit in order to refine the results of a search by language.

The Language limit box after a search has been executed. There are 9 items in English, 1 in French, and 1 in Spanish

To see the full list of all items in our catalog classified by language, prior to a search, click on the language limit on the left of the catalog screen and choose More in the limit box to see the full list. You may need to click on Next at the bottom to see more languages.

The Language limit box, opened after selecting More at the bottom of the limit box, displaying the number of items in the catalog for each language. English is the top result with nearly 7 million items, followed by German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Chinese.


Truncation may be applied to non-roman character-based languages, such as Cyrillic. Truncation may not be applied to logographic languages, such as Chinese, for which each glyph is treated as a separate word.

мир* with the truncation symbol (*) will produce more results than мир.

和平* with the truncation symbol (*) will not produce more results that 和平.

Advanced Search

Enter the language name in the language field on the advanced search page, toward the bottom of the page.

Several rows of the advanced search screen are on top. Below is a section labeled Limit Your Search. One limit option is Language, where Japanese has been selected and is circled in red

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