Adding bookmarks
Bookmarks are a way to save individual catalog records for later reference. You must be logged in to save bookmarks and retrieve them in another browser session later.
Save an item as a bookmark either from the search results screen (on the right of each brief record display), or from within an individual record (at the upper right).
Accessing bookmarks
Access previously saved bookmarks by clicking on My Account at the top right of the screen, then selecting Bookmarks.

Export multiple items from bookmarks
Cite, email, and export citations to RIS for multiple files at once while in your bookmarks. Buttons to download in RIS format, email, and cite are just above the first bookmark. Temporarily uncheck any items you do not wish to export/email/cite, then re-check them again to keep them in Bookmarks.
Only one screen of bookmarks can be emailed / exported / cited at a time. The per page display option may be changed to display 10, 20, 50 or 100 records, thereby allowing one to act upon more than 10 records at a time.