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Using the Library Catalog

Tools Menu

Accessing the tools menu

From any individual item record, access the Tools menu at the upper right of the screen. The Tools menu includes:

  • Download in RIS format (for citation managers)
  • Email -- send the contents of a record to yourself or another person
  • Cite -- generate an auto-citation in APA, MLA, and Chicago format. Auto-generated citations should always be proofread for accuracy.
  • Staff view -- the item record in MARC format (relevant for staff use)

item record for Alan Kitching's A-Z of letterpress, with the tools menu expanded on the right so that the options to download an ris file, email, cite, and staff view are visible.


Emailing, citing, and exporting multiple records at once

You can perform these actions on multiple records at once from saved bookmarks under My Account -> Bookmarks. Directions on how to save items as bookmarks are in the box below.


Adding bookmarks

Bookmarks are a way to save individual catalog records for later reference. You must be logged in to save bookmarks and retrieve them in another browser session later.

Save an item as a bookmark either from the search results screen (on the right of each brief record display), or from within an individual record (at the upper right).


Accessing bookmarks

Access previously saved bookmarks by clicking on My Account at the top right of the screen, then selecting Bookmarks.

The My Account page, with My Account circled in red at the upper right and Bookmarks circled in red in the main body of the page


Export multiple items from bookmarks

Cite, email, and export citations to RIS for multiple files at once while in your bookmarks. Buttons to download in RIS format, email, and cite are just above the first bookmark. Temporarily uncheck any items you do not wish to export/email/cite, then re-check them again to keep them in Bookmarks.

Only one screen of bookmarks can be emailed / exported / cited at a time. The per page display option may be changed to display 10, 20, 50 or 100 records, thereby allowing one to act upon more than 10 records at a time.

Three items saved in bookmarks. All are checked off, with buttons for Download in RIS format, Email, and Cite at the top.

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