A selective guide to reference works in Sociology that goes beyond the basics. Includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, guides to the literature, bibliographies, finding books, using indexes, annual reviews, style guides, and other resources.
Access to Google Scholar with Penn-only links to full-text articles. Once authenticated through Penn's proxy, full-text articles to which Penn Libraries subscribe will become available within the Google Scholar search results.
General, multidisciplinary periodical database, covering all scholarly disciplines, with many general and popular magazines, and news sources. Includes bibliographic citations with indexing and abstracts for more than 16,000 periodicals.
Indexing (since 1861) and abstracting (since 1980) for doctoral-level dissertations completed at North American universities. Page images or fulltext of all available dissertations - including Penn dissertations - from 1997 to present, with some earlier dissertations. Dissertations from selected European universities are also listed. Selected master's theses are included since 1988.
Humanities and social sciences. The scope is international, including journals in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and other Western languages.
Lists scholarly publications that use GSS data. The GSS, conducted periodically since 1972, is the single best survey data source for U.S. social attitudes, behaviors, and attributes trend data. This began as Annotated Bibliography of Papers Using the General Social Surveys (ICPSR 101, last updated 1990).
Lists journal articles and other research publications using data from all cohorts of the NLS, the most important longterm study of the labor market activities and other significant life events of several groups of U.S. men and women followed over up to four decades.
Lists journal articles, presentations, unpublished manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations by researchers using National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health data. Add Health studies how social environments and behaviors in adolescence are linked to health and achievement outcomes in young adulthood.
Journal articles, books, working papers, and other publications that use data held in the ICPSR archive. Searchable by document title and other bibliographic information, and also by ICPSR study. Web pages for individual ICPSR studies will also display study-specific bibliography.
A list of research articles, 1980-present, that use data from the Roper Center. Some cite information on overall responses obtained from iPOLL; some are based on individual-level analyses of datasets held by the Roper Center, and others use the Roper Center's Presidential approval series or other indexes constructed from Roper Center data.
1952 to the present. The comprehensive bibliographic database for research in sociology and related disciplines worldwide. Provides citations, subject indexing, and abstracts of all articles in more than 240 core sociology journals and relevant articles in more than 2200 journals in related fields, books and chapters in collective volumes, and dissertations; an excellent source for book reviews on social issues. SocAbs recently absorbed Social Services Abstracts, expanding its coverage to social work and social policy.
1951-present. Excellent source for searching the international literature. Citations and subject indexing for the international journal article and book literature in sociology, as well as anthropology, economics, political science. Preceded by London bibliography of the social sciences (1931-1982).
Produced by British Library of Political and Economic Science, London School of Economics and Political Science, with the support and assistance of International Committee for Social Science Information and Documentation and UNESCO.
1956-present. The social sciences portion of ISI Web of Science. Most useful for its "Cited Reference" and "Related Records" searching: find a favorite article in SSCI, then look at its related records and the articles that cite it. HINT! SocAbs and other databases have started adding "Cited by" and "Related Records" searching, too.
Covers 1907-1984. Indexing the major scholarly journals in many disciplines, this was the standard finding tool (alongside the London Bibliography) for the sociological journal literature before SocAbs and IBSS.
The American Psychological Association's comprehensive bibliographic database to the psychology research literature. APA PsycInfo will cover social psychology and organizational psychology.
AARP's database covering articles, books, and gray literature on aging, social gerontology and social, psychological, economic and health aspects of people 50+ years old.
Combines several sociology and social psychology databases, including the important Minnesota Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature. As a specialist database, F&SSW offers more detailed indexing for family and group topics than SocAbs.
The Human Relations Area Files, started in 1949, presents fulltext ethnographic texts on individual cultures worldwide. Each text is coded for cultural attributes at the paragraph level using the Outline of Cultural Materials. eHRAF expands HRAF's traditional coverage to include North American immigrant groups.
Abstracts and indexing as well as full-text content from publications worldwide pertaining to Communication, Linguistics, Rhetoric and Discourse, Speech-Language Pathology, Media Studies and related fields.
This full-text database provides international coverage of current issues such as employment and the workplace, social & political issues, violence and exploitation, development and human rights, health and reproductive rights, legal issues, education, culture and customs, demographics, contemporary family life, and arts and media.
GenderWatch, formerly titled Women 'R', contains 40,000 articles from more than 100 journals, magazines, newsletters, special reports, unpublished papers and conference proceedings devoted to gender and women's issues.
NCJRS includes abstracts of over 140,000 research reports, journal articles, and government documents relating to crime, law enforcement, and the justice system.
Bibliographic citations (1915-) with indexing on contemporary public affairs and policy issues worldwide. "Contemporary" is taken seriously by PAIS International, so the database is particularly useful for comparing policy issues over time. Covers articles, books, government documents, and some gray literature.
Gray literature database with fulltext. Covers IGOs and NGOs, thinktanks, and local governments. Current modules include : Global ThinkTanks, North American City Reports, and World Cities.
Gray-literature policy papers and reports from U.S. thinktanks working on foreign and domestic policy. Provides subject indexing with links to fulltext. Useful for identifying organizations conducting research on specific topics.
The American Economic Association's bibliographic database covering the journal, book, and working paper literature on economics and related topics. HINT! EconLit uses JEL Codes as its subject terms. JEL Codes are listed, with examples, on the AEA website.
Covers fields of interest to demographers, including fertility, mortality, population size and growth, migration, nuptiality and the family, research methodology, projections and predictions, historical demography, and demographic and economic interrelations.
Bibliographic records covering essential areas related to race relations, including ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
Bibliographic citations with abstracts for literature on policy, theory, and research relating to the family, traditional and alternative lifestyles, therapy, and counselling. Subjects covered include adolescent development, adolescent pregnancy and parenthood, aging, child abuse, child custody, child physical disorders, child psychological problems, dating, bereavement, divorce, domestic abuse and violence, family economics, employment, fertility and birth control, gender relations, health problems, homosexuality, marriage and marital relations, and sexual attitudes.
The National Association of Social Workers database covering social work and other related topics such as homelessness, AIDS, child and family welfare, aging, substance abuse, legislation, community organization, and more.
Bibliographic citations with abstracts describing scholarly literature in all aspects of urban studies. Topics include trends in urbanization, urban history, architecture and urban design, housing and real estate, urban development and redevelopment, urban planning and land use, environment and resource conservation, transporation and communication, crime and law enforcement, urban economics, social services and public services, politics and government, urban fiscal and budgetary policy, and social issues.
Bibliographic citations with abstracts describing scholarly literature in all aspects of urban studies. Topics include trends in urbanization, urban history, architecture and urban design, housing and real estate, urban development and redevelopment, urban planning and land use, environment and resource conservation, transporation and communication, crime and law enforcement, urban economics, social services and public services, politics and government, urban fiscal and budgetary policy, and social issues.
The US National Library of Medicine's comprehensive bibliographic database of medical research. MEDLINE is congruent with PubMed, but MEDLINE's "Map term to subject heading" and MeSH "explode" function provide powerful search tools.
The World Health Organization's medical research bibliographic database, with some fulltext content. Combines databases from its regional offices : AIM (Africa), IMEMR (Eastern Mediterranean), IMSEAR (Southeast Asia), LILACS (Latin America and Caribbean), and WPRO (Far East and Oceania). Covers gaps in MEDLINE's international coverage.