Section 4 of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics deals with properties of the elements and inorganic substances and includes a section entitled, "Magnetic Susceptibility of the Elements and Inorganic Compounds," beginning on p.4-131 You can access the CRC Handbook either in print in the Chemistry Library Reading Room on online. If you want to use the online version, please follow these steps to zoom directly to the table in question.
Reaxys contains the properties and reactions of more than 22 million organic, inorganic, and organometallic substances, including elements, diatomic gases, and metal oxides. You can link to Reaxys by visiting
The CAS Registry contains almost 70 million substances and over 60 million sequences, providing seamless linking from substance records into the primary literature. To use SciFinder, follow this link:
Knovel is a collection of more than one thousand online reference books and monographs in all areas of science and engineering. Its data search allows you to find property information, while the keyword search helps you to search the full text of the works included.