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Properties for Pseudopotentials: Finding Magnetic Data in SciFinder

This guide teaches researchers how to locate some basic physical properties of elements and oxides, specifically required for generating and testing pseudopotentials. Last revision: February 2025

Searching for Magnetic Data in SciFinder


When a new substance is published in the literature, Chemical Abstracts Service registers it in the CAS Registry, assigning it a CAS Registry Number and entering appropriate identification information into the database.  Recently, CAS has begun including a large amount of physical property and spectral information in the Registry, making it a good place to look for references to property information in the primary literature.

How Do I Use It?

  1. Search SciFinder by substance, using a formula, name, Registry Number, or structure.
  2. From the list of substance results, select the one that interests you. In this new window, you can view the magnetic properties of the substance below.

A screenshot of a substance in SciFinder with the magnetic properties tab open.



Note that, in some cases, the value of the property cannot be seen in the list of experimental properties.  By clicking on the reference number, in the "Note" area of the grid, you can get to the abstract of the article and link to the full text to find the property value.

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