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Global Health Research Guide: Articles & Databases

Resources in global health

Off-Campus Access

Most of the electronic resources available at the library can be accessed by Penn students, faculty, and staff via the library's proxy server. Click this link for information on off-campus access.

Grey Literature

In the health sciences, grey literature is vital for developing a more complete view of research on a particular topic and for producing systematic reviews and other rigorous approaches to evidence synthesis. For more information on grey literature, including tips on how to find grey literature, click here.


Citing Your Work

Scholarly research incorporates ideas that are developed through the analysis of primary and secondary sources, and consequently all scholarly research builds on the works of others. Proper documentation allows you to ethically use the work of others while demonstrating your research abilities and command of the literature. 

Online Citation Style Guides

There are laws protecting intellectual property: texts, music, art, multi-media, etc. You can avoid plagiarism and still violate copyright law.

Citation Management

A citation manager helps you keep track of articles and books as you find them, tag and annotate them, and easily create citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word. Each manager has options for group-based collaborative research, its own plug-in for Microsoft Word, built-in connections to Google Scholar, common library reference databases, and some have browser plug-ins for easy capture of web links.

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