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Consumer Behavior and Demographics: Research and Statistics

This guide shows off the best library resources for researching consumers.

Research, Statistics

Consumer Expenditure Survey. Created and maintained by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this is the closest watch the government has on what, exactly, Americans are spending their money on each year.

The American Customer Satisfaction Index. Quantitative analysis of the causes and consequences of customer satisfaction, covering 10 economic sectors, 45 industries, 225 companies, and 200 government services.

Consumer Sentiment Reports. Survey of consumer confidence conducted by the University of Michigan. The Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (MCSI) uses telephone surveys to gather information on consumer expectations regarding the overall economy.

Pew Research Center. From their website: "The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan 'fact tank' that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. It does so by conducting public opinion polling and social science research; by analyzing news coverage; and by holding forums and briefings. It does not take positions on policy issues.

New Strategist publications provide tabular American demographic and lifestyle data. For a listing of available New Strategist titles, search in Franklin, the library's catalog. Enter new strategist in the search box and select Author from the menu. Click on New Strategist Publications, Inc on the results page. As an example, some of the available titles are:

  • American buyers : demographics of shopping. Held at call number HC110.C6 A54 2010 in the Lippincott Library Reference Stacks.
  • Household spending : who spends how much on what. Held at call number HC110.C6 H68 2009 in Annenberg Library Reference.
  • American women : who they are and how they live. Held at call number HG1421 .A486 2008 in Annenberg Library Reference.
  • Who's buying by age. Held at call number HF4515.33.U6 W43 2007 in the Lippincott Library stacks.

Statistical Fact Book. The Direct Marketing Association's yearly guide to buying habits, costs, fulfillment, and trends.  Held at call number HF 5410 S738 at the Lippincott Library Reference Desk.

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