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Consumer Behavior and Demographics: US Demographics

This guide shows off the best library resources for researching consumers.

United States - Demographics

Additional US Demographic Resources

American Time Use Survey. The Bureau of Labor Statistics collects annual information on the average hours Americans spent in primary, weekend, leisure and sport activities.

Community Sourcebook America. CD-Rom with data on population, households, income, business data, families, community tapestry lifestyles, race, age, gender, consumer spending data (financial, domestic, personal and entertainment). Ask to use this resource at the Lippincott Library Reference Desk.

Census Atlas of the United States. Plotting data taken from the decennial Census over a map of the US, with data going back to the 1920s.

State and Metropolitan Data Books. Census data focusing on the demographics of state and US metro area populations.

County and City Data Books. "The most comprehensive source of information about the individual counties and cities in the US." The most recent edition is available directly from the Census, and historical editions are available from University of Virginia Library.

Places, Towns, and Townships. Population and housing data for all places in the US, regardless of size. Held at call number HA202 .A366 2007 at the Lippincott Library Reference Desk.

Survey of Consumer Finances. From the Federal Reserve Board, a triennial survey of the financial statements of households in the US, including expenditures and the use of banks.

Current Population Surveys. Publications from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, covering many variables including race and ethnicity, school enrollment, computer ownership, fertility, income and health.

US Population Projections from the US Census Bureau.

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