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Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Resources for business plan writing, strategic planning, financing, franchising, and entrepreneurship, as related to small businesses and startups.

Research Tips

In some cases, the market may be new or very specialized, making it difficult to find published research.

Try these recommended approaches:

Statista  |  Industry and Trade Associations  |  Trade and News Articles  |  Industry Reports  |  Analyst Reports  |  Venture Capital Databases  |  U.S. Government  |  Non U.S. Governments  |  Proxy/Substitute


Industry and Trade Associations

Associations often provide useful free statistics, data, and news on their websites. Look for areas labeled "data," "library," "news," "research," or "resources." 

To find associations:


Search for trade and news articles in business literature databases:


Industry Reports

Industry reports may include external drivers, market segmentation, competitive landscape, operating conditions, industry forecasts, and other factors that provide context to the market.

Differentiating industry and market research reports:

- Industry reports focus on an industry producing products or services, the industry's supply chain, and external influencing factors

- Market research reports focus on consumers of an industry's product or service and influences on consumer preferences and demand.


Analyst Reports

Investment bank analyst reports provide details about markets, companies, industries, and geographic regions worldwide. Search for analyst reports for public companies serving a specific market.

Use venture capital databases to find details about companies and deals in the industry:


U.S. Government

The federal government makes an enormous amount of information publicly available. Visit the websites of each government agency relevant to the market to retrieve information, statistics, and data.

If unsure where to begin, try these resources:

Governments other than the U.S.

  • Search other countries' government websites, some of which offer English versions.
  • The U.S. Census Bureau provides links to National Statistical Offices


When all else fails, use research for a proxy/substitute, such as a broader market segment or a closely aligned but more established industry.


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