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Penn Vet History Resources: Vet Biographies

Resources for Penn Vet History Committee

Penn Vet Alumni and Faculty Memoirs and Biographies

Other Animal Memoirs

Penn Vet Alumni and Faculty Novels

Oral Histories

           - Allam, Mark W., 1908-
           - Davies, Robert E., 1919-
           - Duebler, M. Josephine.
           - Marshak, Robert R., 1923-
           - Stellar, Eliot, 1919-1993.


  • American Physiological Society interview with Dr. Adrian Morrison, Penn Vet Professor Emeritus of Behavioral Neuroscience and Past President of the Sleep Research Society and the World Federation of Sleep Research Societies. Author of the books Odyssey with Animals and Brandywine Boy.
  • An interview with Professor Ralph Brinster by Juan Aréchaga titled "Embryo culture, stem cells and experimental modification of the embryonic genome." Dr. Brinster is a Professor of Physiology at the School of Veterinary Medicine.
  • An Enduring Veterinary Legacy - a collection by Dr. Donald Smith at Cornell University, includes interviews with many prominent veterinarians including Dr. Charles Raker.
  • An interview with Dr. Gilbert Hoppenstedt, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, class of 1940. Dr. Hoppenstedt is interviewed along with his brother, Dr. Clifford Hoppenstedt, a 1935 graduate of Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. This interview draws out the similarities and differences between the two educational settings in the 1930s. Interview by Dr. Donald F. Smith, Austin O. Hooey Dean Emeritus of Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. 
  • Watch five short videos featuring former Dean, Joan Hendricks V'79 GR'80 talking with Drs. Elaine Hammel, V’60, and Jill Beech, V’72, reflecting on the untold stories of their challenges and breakthroughs as some of the first women to pursue careers in veterinary medicine, not only within Penn Vet, but within the profession.

In Memoriam

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