Payment Options: |
Cost: |
Available at: |
For more info/assistance: |
- $.08 per copy
- Visitor PennCash card cost: $1, plus $.08 per copy
$.10 per copy
All Penn Library locations, except CAJS and LIBRA.
- Contact Penn Library Administrative Services at 215-898-7567.
- $.08 per copy
- Departmental copy card cost: $1
- Faculty and researchers may add value charged to a departmental budget account
- Use at all Penn Library locations
- To receive a card immediately during regular business hours, users may submit completed a departmental copy card request form to Van Pelt Library Room 239.
- All Library users: contact the Penn Library Administrative Services at 215-898-7567
*Public self-service photocopiers are available in each Penn Library location.
See detailed information for Van Pelt copier locations.