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PAH Clinical Nursing

Resources for the Pennsylvania Hospital clinical nursing community

Gastrointestinal Nursing Journals

Gastrointestinal/Gastroenterology Nursing Books

AORN eGuidelines +

Pennsylvania Hospital has a license for five people at a time to use this resource. It can only be accessed while on site at Pennsylvania Hospital in our IP range.  

The AORN Guidelines is the major content of this platform.  This is where the guidelines are updated and maintained by AORN so the content is always up to date. Additional features include: 

  • At a Glance Library: illustrated step-by-step guides for quick review on topics including positioning, anesthesia, and hand-over tools
  • Tools and FAQs: guideline implementation tools including case studies and policy and procedure templates
  • Books Library: we have access to these titles excluding the NAON and ARIN books
  • Equipment and Supplies Finder

We do not have access to the Accreditation Assistant.  

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