Please test and confirm the information provided below.
OVID Medline
- Consider using the ED field -
- There's also the DT field -
- ED (Entry Date) - YYYYMMDD
- DT (Create Date) - YYYYMMDD
- Example
- limit 7 to ed=20210501-20211214
- limit 7 to dt=20210501-20211214
- retrieves records added May 1, 2021 to Dec 14, 2021
EMBASE - Elsevier
- Entry Date (since date) - DD-MM-YYYY
- Example
- #7 AND [06-05-2021]/sd
- retrieves records added since May 6th 2021
Scopus - Elsevier
- Load Date or Original Load Date - YYYYMMDD
- Example
- #7 AND LOAD-DATE AFT 20210505
- #7 AND ORIG-LOAD-DATE AFT 20210505
- I found that Load Date pulled back too many records that were older but had been recently touched
- Original Load date only pulls records that were originally loaded after a certain date. [Much better results]
- EM = Entry Date - YYYMMDD
- ZD "in process"
- Example
- S6 AND EM 20190101-20230321
- S6 AND EM 20190101-
- S6 AND (EM 20190101- OR ZD "in process")
PsycInfo - ProQuest