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At the cursor prompt at the top of the screen, enter your term and hit the <F1 / HELP>key.
Example: Beta <F1 / HELP>
Helpful Commands
BPS<GO>: Bloomberg Professional Service resource center for cheatsheets and marketing materials.
LAST<GO>: Review the last 8 functions used
NEW<GO>: View new enhancements by topic, such as Equities, Charts, or News & Research.
Email Support
Press the <F1 / HELP> key twice (<F1 / Help><F1 / Help>) to email a question to Bloomberg Support.
Response time is 24 hours.
Online Training
BCER<GO>: Sign up for Bloomberg Market Concepts, an 8 hour self-paced e-learning video course consisting of four modules: Economic Indicators, Currencies, Fixed Income and Equities. A certificate of completion is awarded and available for download.