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PDM Women's History

Yasu Nakamura

Dr. Yasu Nakamura graduated from the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery in 1897. She was vice president of the class during her Junior year.

Dr. Evans wasn't the only Philadelphia dentist to treat royalty...


Dr. Yasu Nakamura graduated from the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery* in 1897 and went on to care for "royal teeth" after receiving an appointment from Japan's Imperial Family.

*The Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery (PCDS) would eventually merge with the University of Pennsylvania in 1909.


In 1872, PCDS became the first dental school to admit women. -America's Lost Colleges

Graduation photograph, "Yasu Nakamura Tokio, Japan"*University of Pennsylvania. School of Dentistry., Thomas W. Evans Museum and Dental Institute. Announcements. Philadelphia: The University. 1922/1923

 1922/23Annountcement Snippet “…Dr. Yasu Nakamura, who has passed her exam successfully, and is going back to Japan to practice her profession in Tokio…”

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