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PDM Women's History

Luisa Orchoa Diaz

Dr. Luisa Orchoa Diaz received a D.D.S from the School of Dental Medicine in 1925. She was from
Veracruz, Mexico, and had prior degrees from the Veracruz Institute and the University of Mexico
City. Dr. Diaz was the first woman to join the Latin American Dental Society at Penn Dental.

Yearbook photo of Dr. Luisa Orchoa Diaz

"Latin American Dental Society",  5 men and 1 woman pictured

Elsie Gerlach

Dr. Elsie Gerlach received a D.D.S degree from the School of Dental Medicine in 1925. She held a prior degree from Barnard College.Dr. Gerlach was one of the first members of the Thomas W. Evans Dental Society. She served as Chairman for the group during her senior year.

Yearbook photo of Dr. Elsie Gerlach

"The Thomas W. Evans Dental Society - Officers" 3 men and 1 women pictured.

Jennie Edita Lane

Dr. Jennie Lane received a D.D.S degree from the School of Dental Medicine in 1925. She was a graduate of the Imperial Alexander University in Finland, which later became the University of Helsinki in 1919.

Yearbook photo of Dr. Jennie Lane

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