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Animal Welfare & Behavior Library Guide

Multidatabase Searching

Multidatabase Searching

NOTE:  You can search several databases from the same provider at the same time.  This limits the number of duplicate records you need to review in your results.  Note that this works best with textword searches.  It is best to rerun the search in the databases that had the best results using the subject heading terms found in relevant items retrieved in the search.

Ovid:  Choose the databases to search, enter your search terms to execute the search.  Choose the last set and Deduplicate, opting for MEDLINE as the first choice of records to retain, then the remaining databases. 

Proquest: First Unselect All, then select databases to search then enter your terms.  Duplicate results will be automatically combined.

EBSCOHOST:  At the top of the screen, click Choose Databases and select the databases to search.  Duplicate results will be automatically combined.

Grey Literature

About Databases

A research database is an organized collection of information about publications, often focused on a particular scholarly discipline. Databases are indexed in a variety of ways to facilitate searching. They may contain proprietary information not freely available on the open web.

Because Animal Welfare and Behavior is a multidisciplinary subject, a wide range of databases may be relevant to different search topics.  You can start your search in a general database, then consider topical databases relevant to your research question.

Look for the PennText icon on the article record to link to the article online or to request it from another library.   Screenshot of a webpage with the Penn Text Icon.

Research Databases

Research databases were originally developed by groups of professional practitioners to identify the key resources in their field and to apply search terms that addressed the unique needs of that profession.  Think about which fields of research are relevant to your topic, whether region-specific sources may be relevant and what subject headings are used to describe its publications.

Beyond broad-based databases like Articles+, Scopus and Google Scholar, consider specialty databases serving stakeholder professions.

Key Health and Life Science Databases

Other Relevant databases

General multidisciplinary databases

Social Science Databases

Core Earth & Environmental Science Databases

Researching Public Policy

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