Country profiles include basic facts and figures including political, economic, and statistical information about the world's countries and territories. They also provide summaries of geography, demographics, history, and current political events.
Profiles provide coverage of history, politics, and economic backgrounds of countries and territories. Also includes backgrounds on key institutions and audio and video clips from BBC archives.
Developed by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, the World Factbook offers updated country profiles providing information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues of 267 world nations. The website provides a comprehensive collection of world maps that can be freely downloaded. Also includes a Guide to Country Comparisons. Categories include geography, people and society, the economy, communications, transportation, and the military. Information can be downloaded into data files.
Provides country-by-country data (e.g., population, languages) as well as detailed information about political history, politics, social movements, economics, and current issues.
Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU) country analysis and forecasts cover over 200 countries and highlight political, economic, and business developments in all significant markets, both established and emerging. For political reports of each country, go to the top navigation bar and choose Topics > Politics. Each report provides a political environment rating, the latest political developments, a 5-year political stability forecast, policy trends, election watch, international relations, and a Democracy index.
Provides country information on Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Middle East. Includes country profiles; macroeconomic statistics, forecasts, and analysis; reports on financial markets, companies, and industries; exchange rates; analyst reports; and business news.
Europa World Plus is the online version of the famous reference source, Europa World Year Book. It provides political, economic, and historical information, including statistics, for over 250 countries and territories. Europa World Plus also contains the nine-volume Europa Regional Surveys of the World series.
Although primarily used in the fields of business and economics, FitchConnect also provides in-depth political risk ratings and analysis, including 10-year forecasts. Each report includes a "Political SWOT" (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) assessment of current political events and a "Political Outlook" section.
Freedom House is a non-partisan organization that rates people’s access to political rights and civil liberties in 210 countries and territories through its annual Freedom in the World report. Freedom House provides full country narrative reports for each country.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 191 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty worldwide.
The Statesman's Yearbook provides information on international affairs, covering key historical events, population, city profiles, social statistics, climate, recent elections, current leaders, defense, international relations, economy, energy and natural resources, industry, international trade, religion, culture, and diplomatic representatives, as well as fact sheets and more.
Country profiles prepared by World Bank staff are available for over 150 nations. The site provides direct links to the World Bank data catalog for each country along with access to the latest publications, news items, and development topics published by, or related to, World Bank operations.