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Poster Printing at the Bollinger Digital Fabrication Lab, Holman Biotech Commons

Design Help

Starting a poster can be daunting, especially when you have so much material to condense. Attached is a guide with tips on getting started, file size, PDF conversion, goals, color palettes and image pixelation. Click here


Poster Size

  • There is no official standard poster size.  Use the size recommended by your class, conference, or poster session guidelines. Keep in mind that conferences usually give you the size of the board available - your poster can be smaller than that. 
  • If you’re unsure, or if the conference provides requirements in aspect ratio terms, use 36” by 48” for 4:3 and 24*48 for 16:9 aspect ratio respectively.  
  • Keep in mind that most poster printers are 42" wide, so ONE side of your poster cannot be larger than that.  The other side can be as long as the poster roll if you so wish :)

PowerPoint-Specific Guidelines

Note: PowerPoint doesn't allow dimensions larger than 56".  If you need a larger size, set the dimensions to half their final print size, then request to print the poster at 200% (A 36” x 72” poster would have a page size set to 18” x 36”).

  • Always insert a picture instead of using copy and paste. This will avoid problems when your poster is opened on another platform and when printing. Exception: graphs and diagrams that are already in PowerPoint or Excel are safe to copy and paste.
  • Save a copy of any graphics in their original file format to the flash drive you're brining to print, just in case there are problems.
  • Avoid using gradient or pattern fills, as they are less likely to print correctly.
  • "Ungroup" all graphs, charts, and formulae generated outside of PowerPoint after insertion to prevent printing errors and shifting.
  • All symbols must be "inserted". After placing your cursor in a textbox, go to the Insert menu, then choose Symbol and select the symbol you want to place in your file. If the symbols are not placed in your file through the Insert menu, they may not print or may print as the wrong symbol.
  • Guides, Align and Distribute features in PowerPoint are your best friends - use them! Here's a quick video on using Align/Distribute

Fluorescence Images:

  • Whenever possible, use bright colors (bright red, green, etc.) in your microscope images. 
  • Avoid dark colors that are too close to black - they look fine on screen but they will not print well. Blue tends to be particularly problematic. 
  • Increase the contrast if possible. 
  • Always expect fluorescent images to appear darker in print than on screen, especially on fabric posters. 

General Guidelines

  • Be consistent. Stick to 1 type of font, preferably non- serif, and only a few colors. Arial, Calibri, Verdana are preferred.  Stay away from anything curly. 
  • Less is more
    • Use less than 800 words. Posters don’t require complete paragraphs.  Use bulleted lists whenever possible. 
    • Leave plenty of white space.
  • Use a light background. No gradients, patterns, background images.  Adobe's Color Wheel is a great resource for color selection. 
  • Avoid 3-D graphs and shadow effects. 
  • Use high resolution or vectorized graphics.  
  • Graphics! Use them whenever possible, both for quantitative and qualitative data. (Do not use graphics just for decorative purposes, though!)

Image of person viewing the Biomedical Library Poster Pritings tips poster

Right-click on the image and open in a new tab (Chrome) or view image (Firefox) to get a better look at the font sizes on this 36"x48" poster.  The person standing next to it is 5'9".

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