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Tests and Measurements: Sources for Finding Test Instruments: Non-Commercial Tests

Finding Unpublished Tests in Databases

The databases listed below can assist you in locating unpublished test instruments. APA PsycTests and the ETS Test Collection often provide the actual test instrument.

APA PsycTests

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences (APA PsycInfo)

ETS Test Collection

Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI)

Education (ERIC)

Tests used in Dissertations

Indexes to sources that contain unpublished test instruments

These Books Contain Actual Tests Measurements


GEM is an interactive website containing behavioral, social science, and other scientific measures organized by theoretical constructs. GEM enables researchers to collaborate with others, encourages the use of common measures, and facilitates the sharing of harmonized data.  Read more About NCI-GEM,

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