TIP If you have a city name that is two or more words, such as Tel Aviv, search for it in quotation marks as "Tel Aviv." This will keep the two words together as a phrase and this will work for the name of a specific building (if two or more words) or the first name and last name of an architect, etc. Works in Google and Google Scholar, too!
TIP When searching the Franklin Catalog, try this keyword search: [name of city] AND guidebooks. For example, search "Los Angeles" AND guidebooks.
TIP When you find a book relevant to your research, use the linked subject headings to find more sources. For example, the book Greene & Greene, David B. Gamble house, Pasadena, California, 1908 has the subject Pasadena (Calif.) Buildings, structures, etc.
Recommended Resources
Books Recommended by Professor Brownlee
Additional Research Support
TIP Use the publication date filters to find articles, especially newspaper articles, published during the time period. For example, search "New York City" architecture and limit to the years 1925-1930.
TIP Particularly for US cities, you may want to search their public libraries and city archives. For example, in Philadelphia the Free Library of Philadelphia has wonderful freely available resources about the history of the city including Historical Images of Philadelphia, digitized maps of Philadelphia, and a collection about the US Centennial Exhibition of 1876. Also look for city archives!