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ALC : Africana Librarians Council: ALC Conover Porter Award : Nominations & Winners, 1980-present

The Conover Porter Award

Africana Librarians Council
Conover-Porter Award for Africana Bibliography or Reference Work

The Conover-Porter Award is presented every two years by the Africana Librarians Council of the African Studies Association (US). The award recognizes outstanding achievement in Africana bibliography and reference tools among works published in the preceding two years.

The Conover-Porter Award was established in honor of two pioneers in African Studies bibliography, Helen F. Conover, of the Library of Congress, and Dorothy B. Porter, of Howard University.

Update on 2020 Award Cycle

Following their deliberations in May 2020, the Conover-Porter Award Committee decided that the sole submission for this year's cycle did not meet the criteria for the award, and therefore decided against awarding the prize this year. The Committee notified the secretariat of African Studies Association of their decision.

Past Winners, 1980-present : Conover Porter Award.

YearHonored work
2018Co-winnerHistorical dictionary of women in sub-saharan Africa / Kathleen Sheldon. 2nd ed. Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.
Co-winnerDictionary of African Christian biography (DACB) / Jonathan Bonk, project dir. Overseas Ministries Study Center; Center for Global Christianity and Mission, Boston University
2016WinnerThe writings of Mauritania and the western Sahara / compiled by Charles C. Stewart. (Arabic literature of Africa, vol. 5) Brill, 2015.
2014Winner Africa bibliography. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
2012WinnerAfrica yearbook Leiden: Brill, 2005- .
2010WinnerNew encyclopedia of Africa / John Middleton, editor in chief; Joseph C. Miller, editor. 5 vols. Detroit: Thomson/Gale, 2008.
2008WinnerSources for the mutual history of Ghana and the Netherlands: an annotated guide to the Dutch archives relating to Ghana and West Africa in the Nationaal Archief, 1593-1960s / Michel R. Doortmont and Jinna Smit. Leiden, The Netherlands; Boston: Brill, 2007.
2006WinnerAfrican higher education: an international reference handbook / edited by Damtew Teferra, Philip G. Altbach. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2003.
Honorable mentionAfrican posters: a catalogue of the poster collection in the Basler Afrika Bibliographien / Giorgio Miescher and Dag Henrichsen. Basel, Switzerland: Basler Afrika Bibliographien, 2004.
Honorable mentionMathematics in African history and cultures: an annotated bibliography / Paulus Gerdes; Ahmed Djebbar. Bellville, South Africa: African Mathematical Union, 2004.
2004WinnerThe atlas of changing South Africa / A.J. Christopher. 2nd ed. London; New York: Routledge, 2001.
Honorable mentionEncyclopedia of twentieth-century African history / editor: Paul Tiyambe Zeleza deputy editor: Dickson Eyoh. London; New York: Routledge, 2003.
Honorable mentionKey events in African history: a reference guide / Toyin Falola. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2002.
2002Co-winnerMaps of Africa to 1900: a checklist of maps in atlases and geographical journals in the collections of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign / by Thomas J. Bassett & Yvette Scheven. (Robert B. Downs Publication fund; no. 9.) [Urbana, Ill.]: The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Distributed by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign], The Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 2000.
Co-winnerBooks in African languages in the Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies, Northwestern University: a catalog / compiled by David W. Bade. 2 vols. (PAS working papers; no. 8.) Evanston, Ill.: Program of African Studies, Northwestern University, 2000.
Honorable mentionNigeria / Ruby A. Bell-Gam and David Uru Iyam, compilers. Rev. ed. (World bibliographical series, v. 100.) Oxford, England; Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Press, 1999.
Honorable mentionTraditional food plants of Kenya / Patrick M. Maundu, Grace W. Ngugi, Christine H.S. Kabuye. Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge, National Museums of Kenya, 1999.
Honorable mentionA history of the church in Africa / Bengt Sundkler and Christopher Steed. (Studia missionalia Upsaliensia; 74.) Cambridge, U.K.; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
2000WinnerEncyclopedia of Africa south of the Sahara / John Middleton, editor in chief. 4 vols. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1997.
Honorable mentionReference guide to Africa: a bibliography of sources / Alfred Kagan and Yvette Scheven. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 1999.
1998Co-winnerWritings on African archives / John McIlwaine. London: Hans Zell Publishers for the Standing Conference on Library Materials on Africa (SCOLMA), 1996.
Co-winnerGuia bibliográfico para o estudante de história de Moçambique: (200/300-1930) / Amélia Neves de Souto. 1a ed. (Colecção Nosso chão; no. 6.) Moçambicana. Maputo: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Centro de Estudos Africanos, 1996.
Honorable mentionEncyclopedia of Africa south of the Sahara / John Middleton, editor in chief. 4 vols. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1997.
Honorable mentionMuslims in South Africa: an annotated bibliography / compiled by Muhammed Haron. (Grey bibliography series; no. 21.) Cape Town: South African Library in association with Centre for Contemporary Islam, UCT, 1997.
Honorable mentionThe media in Africa and Africa in the media: an annotated bibliography / Gretchen Walsh. London; New Providence, N.J.: Hans Zell Publishers, 1996.
1996Co-winnerBlack African literature in English, 1987-1991 / Bernth Lindfors. (Bibliographical research in African literatures; no. 3.) London; New Jersey: Hans Zell Publishers, 1995.
Co-winnerSub-Saharan African films and filmmakers, 1987-1992: an annotated bibliograghy / Nancy J. Schmidt. London: Hans Zell Publishers, 1994.
Honorable mentionJua kali literature: an annotated bibliography / Kenya Rural Enterprise Programme. Nairobi, Kenya: The Programme, 1993.
Honorable mentionHealth in Botswana: an annotated bibliography / Mbulawa Mugabe and K. Moahi. Gaborone, Botswana: Published on behalf of the National Institute of Development Research and Documentation, University of Botswana, by Lentswe La Lesedi (Pty), 1994.
Honorable mentionThe Weekly review index, 1975-1989 / Ruth Thomas. Nairobi, Kenya: Stellagraphics Ltd., 1993.
1994Co-winnerSexuality and health in sub-Saharan Africa / Thomas George Barton. "An annotated bibliography"--Cover. Nairobi, Kenya: African Medical and Research Foundation, 1991.
Co-winnerAfrican books in print = Livres africains desponibles / Hans Zell, ed. 4th ed. London: Hans Zell Publishers, 1993.
Honorable mentionNigerian artists: a who's who & bibliography / compiled by Bernice M. Kelly; edited by Janet L. Stanley. London; New York: Published for the National Museum of African Art Branch, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington, DC [by] Hans Zell, 1993.
Honorable mentionAfrica: a guide to reference material / John McIlwaine. (Regional reference guides; no. 1.) London; New York: Hans Zell Publishers, 1993.
1992Co-winnerNgugi wa Thiong'o: a bibliography of primary and secondary sources, 1957-1987 / Carol Sicherman. (Bibliographical research in African written literatures. no. 1.) London; New York: Hans Zell Publishers, 1989.
Co-winnerNgugi wa Thiong'o, the making of a rebel: a source book in Kenyan literature and resistance / Carol Sicherman. (Documentary research in African literatures; 1.) London; New York: Hans Zell Publishers, 1990.
1990WinnerBibliographies for African studies 1970-1986 / Yvette Scheven. London; New York: Hans Zell, 1988.
1988Co-winnerThe arts of Central Africa: an annotated bibliography / Daniel P. Biebuyck. (Reference publications in art history.) Boston, Mass.: G.K. Hall, [1987].
Co-winnerAfrican studies information resources directory / compiled and edited by Jean E. Meeh Gosebrink. Oxford; New York: Hans Zell, 1986.
1986WinnerThe political economy of Namibia: an annotated, critical bibliography / Tore Linné Eriksen, Richard Moorsom. (Norwegian foreign policy studies, no. 50.) Uppsala, Sweden: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies in cooperation with United Nations for Namibia, 1985.
1984WinnerA new reader's guide to African literature / edited by Hans M. Zell, Carol Bundy, and Virginia Coulon. 2nd, completely rev. and expanded ed. New York: Africana Pub. Co., 1983.
1982WinnerForeign direct investments and multinational corporations in sub-Saharan Africa: a bibliography = Ausländische Direktinvestitionen und multinationale Konzerne in Afrika südlich der Sahara: eine Bibliographie / Roger Hilbert, Christiane Oehlmann. Frankfurt; New York: Campus Verlag, 1980.
1980WinnerThe United States and Africa: guide to U.S. official documents and government-sponsored publications on Africa, 1785-1975 / compiled by Julian W. Witherell. Washington: General Reference and Bibliography Division, Reader Services Dept., Library of Congress, [1978].

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