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Jews and the Natural Sciences: General

Understanding science in the widest possible sense, this guide offers resources for how Jews investigate, react to, and engage with the physical universe.


Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism

Katz Center - Stacks. BM538.S3 A447

Van Pelt Library. BM538.S3 A447


Berger, Natalia

Jews and Medicine: Religion, Culture, Science

Tel Aviv:  Beth Hatefutsoth, 1995

Van Pelt Library. R694.J49 1995


Cohen, Harry, Itzhak J Carmin and Louis Gershenfeld

Jews in the World of Science: A Biographical Dictionary of Jews Eminent in the Natural and Social Sciences

New York : Monde Publishers, 1956

Katz Center - Stacks. Q128.C65 1956

Van Pelt Library.  Q128.C65 1956


Efron, Noah J.

A Chosen Calling: Jews in Science in the Twentieth Century Medicine, Science, and Religion in Historical Context

Baltimore, MD : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014

Van Pelt Library. Q180.55.S62 E37 2014


Ferré, Lola

“The Place of Scientific Knowledge for some Spanish Jewish Authors,” Micrologus: nature, sciences and medieval societies IX (2001) 21-34

Research Annex (LIBRA). Q124.97 .M537


Fishman, David

“Rabbi Moses Isserles and the Study of Science among Polish Rabbis,” Science in Context 10 (1997) 571-88

Van Pelt Library. Q175.4 .S343


Fontaine, Resianne, ed.

Studies in the history of culture and science: a tribute to Gad Freudenthal

Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2011

Katz Center - Stacks. BM538.S3 S78 2011

Van Pelt Library. BM538.S3 S78 2011


Freudenthal, Gad

Science in the Medieval Hebrew and Arabic traditions

Aldershot, Hampshire, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Publishing, 2005

Van Pelt Library. Q124.97 .F74 2005


Freudenthal, Gad

Science in medieval Jewish cultures

New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011

Van Pelt Library. Q128 .S35 2011


Gimbel, Steven

Einstein's Jewish Science: Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion

Baltimore:  JHU Press, 2012

Van Pelt Library. QC173.55 .G55 2012


Hollinger, David A.

Science, Jews, and Secular Culture: Studies in Mid-twentieth-century American Intellectual History

Princeton:  Princeton University Press, 1998

Katz Center - Stacks. E184.J5 H646 1996

Van Pelt Library. E184.J5 H646 1996


Harvey, Steven, ed.

The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Science and Philosophy

Dordercht ; Boston ; London : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000

Katz Center - Stacks. AE1 .M43 2000


Kottek, Samuel S.

“ Jews between Profane and Sacred Science in Renaissance Italy:  The Case of Abraham Portaleone,” pp. 108-118 in, Religious Confessions and the Sciences in the Sixteenth Century (Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2001) edd. Jürgen Helm and Annette Winkelmann

Katz Center - Stacks. BL240.3 .R45 2001

Van Pelt Library. BL240.3 .R45 2001


Kozodoy, Maud

“Scientific Transmission Outside the University,” pp. 37-50 in, The Secret Faith of Maestre Honoratus. Profayt Duran and Jewish Identity in Late Medieval Iberia (Philadelphia,. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015)

Katz Center - Stacks. DS135.S8 D875 2015

Van Pelt Library. DS135.S8 D875 2015


Langermann, Y. Tzvi

“On the Beginnings of Hebrew Scientific Literature and on Studying History through "Maqbilot" [Parallels],” Aleph 2 (2002) 169-190

Katz Center - Stacks. BM538.S3 A447

Van Pelt Library. BM538.S3 A447


Langermann, Y. Tzvi

“Was there no science in Ashkenaz?  The Ashkenazic reception of some early-medieval Hebrew scientific texts,” Jahrbuch des Simon Dubnow-Instituts 8 (2009) 67–92

Katz Center - Stacks. DS101 .J337

Van Pelt Library. DS101 .J337


Langermann, Y. Tzvi

“Science in the Jewish Communities of the Iberian Peninsula: An Interim Report,” pp. 1-54 in, The Jews and the Sciences in the Middle Ages, (Aldershot, Hampshire, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Publishing,  1999) ed. Y. Tzvi Langermann

Katz Center - Stacks. Q124 .L36 1999

Van Pelt Library. Q124 .L36 1999


Langermann, Y. Tzvi

“Science in the Jewish Communities of the Byzantine Cultural Orbit,” pp. 438-453 in, Science in medieval Jewish cultures (New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011) ed. Gad Freudenthal

Van Pelt Library. Q128 .S35 2011


Levy, B. Barry

Planets, Potions, and Parchments: Scientifica Hebraica from the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Eighteenth Century

MontreĢal ; Buffalo : Published for the Jewish Public Library by McGill-Queen's University Press, McGill-Queen's Press, 1990

Van Pelt Library. Q105.C32 M65 1990


Marx, Alexander

“The Scientific Works of Some Outstanding Medieval Jewish Scholars,” pp. 117-170 in, Essays and Studies in Memory of Linda R. Miller (New York, The Jewish theological seminary of America, 1938)

Van Pelt - Non Circulating.  BM42.M555 D385 1938


Miletto, Gianfranco

“Tradition and Innovation:  Religion, Science and Jewish Culture Between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,” pp. 99-107 in, Religious Confessions and the Sciences in the Sixteenth Century (Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2001) edd. Jürgen Helm and Annette Winkelmann

Katz Center - Stacks. BL240.3 .R45 2001

Van Pelt Library. BL240.3 .R45 2001


Neher, André


Jewish Thought and the Scientific Revolution of the Sixteenth Century: David Gans (1541-1613) and His Times

Oxford [Oxfordshire] ; New York : Published for the Littman Library by Oxford University Press, 1986

Van Pelt - Non Circulating. QB36.G36 N4413 1986


Preston, David Lawrence

Science, Society and the German Jews, 1870-1933

Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois, 1971

Van Pelt Library. DS135.G33 P7 1971a


Reiner, Elchanan

“The Attitude of Ashkenazic Society to the New Science of the Sixteenth Century,” Science in Context 10 (1997) 589-604

Van Pelt Library. Q175.4 .S343


Ruderman, David B.

Jewish Thought and Scientific Discovery in Early Modern Europe

Wayne State University Press, 1995

Katz Center - Stacks. BM538.S3 R828 1995

Van Pelt Library. BM538.S3 R828 1995


Samuelson, Norbert M.

“The Challenges of the Modern Sciences for Jewish Faith,” pp. 12-27 in, Judaism and Science, Special Issue of CCAR Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly (Winter 2012) edd. Philip Cohen and Hava Tirosh-Samuelson

Katz Center - Stacks. BM197.A1 C2


Sandman, Israel M.

“The transmission of Sephardic Scientific Works in Italy,” pp. 198-221 in, Texts in Transit in the Medieval Mediterranean (Philadelphia:  University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016) edd. Y. Tzvi Langermann and Robert G. Morrison

Van Pelt Library. Z106.5.M43 T49 2016


Sela, Shlomo, ed. and trans.

Abraham Ibn Ezra on Elections, Interrogations and Medical Astrology: A Parallel Hebrew English Critical Edition of the Book of Elections (3 Versions), the Book of Interrogations (3 versions) and the Book of the Luminaries

Leiden-Boston, 2011

Katz Center - Stacks. BF1718 .I26213 2011

Van Pelt Library. BF1718 .I26213 2011


Veltri, Giuseppe

“Science and Religious Hermeneutics:  The ‘Philosophy’ of Rabbi Loew of Prague,” pp. 119-135 in, Religious Confessions and the Sciences in the Sixteenth Century (Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2001) edd. Jürgen Helm and Annette Winkelmann

Katz Center - Stacks. BL240.3 .R45 2001

Van Pelt Library. BL240.3 .R45 2001


Wolfson, H.A.

“The Classification of the Sciences in Medieval Jewish Philosophy,” Hebrew Union College Jubilee Volume (1925) 215-263

Katz Center - Stacks. BM42 .H43 1925

Katz Center - Reference Room. BM42 .H43 1925

Van Pelt - Non Circulating.  BM42 .H43 1925

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