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Jews and the Natural Sciences: Translation of Arabic and Latin

Understanding science in the widest possible sense, this guide offers resources for how Jews investigate, react to, and engage with the physical universe.


  • Ben-Zaken, Avner
    Cross-Cultural Scientific Exchanges in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1560–1660
    JHU Press, 2010
    Van Pelt Library. Q127.M38 B46 2010

  • Cohen-Hanegbi, Naama
    “Transmitting Medicine across Religions:  Jean of Avignon’s Hebrew Translation of the Lilium medicine,” pp. 121-145, and with Uri Melamed, “Appendix:  Jean of Avignon’s Introduction to his Translaion of Lilium medicine, an annotated critical edition and translation,” pp. 146-159 in, Latin-into-Hebrew, volume one, Studies (Leiden; Boston:  Brill, 2013) edd. Resianne Fontaine and Gad Freudenthal
    Katz Center - Stacks. PN811 .L38 2013
    Van Pelt Library. PN811 .L38 2013

  • Drory, Rina
    Models and Contacts: Arabic Literature and Its Impact on Medieval Jewish Culture
    Leiden:  Brill, 2000
    Katz Center - Stacks. PJ7530 .D76 2000
    Van Pelt Library. PJ7530 .D76 2000

  • Einbender, Susan and Michael McVaugh
    “Latin into Hebrew – Twice Over!  Presenting Latin Scholastic Medicine to a Jewish Audience,” pp. 31-44 in, Latin-into-Hebrew, volume one, Studies (Leiden; Boston:  Brill, 2013) edd. Resianne Fontaine and Gad Freudenthal
    Katz Center - Stacks. PN811 .L38 2013
    Van Pelt Library. PN811 .L38 2013

  • Ferré, Lola
    “Los judíos, transmisores y receptores de la sabiduría medieval,” Revista Espanola de Filosoffa Medieval 7 (2000) 81-93

  • Fidora, Alexander, Harvey J. Hames and Yossef Schwartz, edd.
    Latin-into-Hebrew, volume two, Texts
    Leiden; Boston:  Brill, 2013
    Katz Center - Stacks. PN811 .L38 2013
    Van Pelt Library. PN811 .L38 2013

  • Fontaine, Resianne and Gad Freudenthal, edd.
    Latin-into-Hebrew, volume one, Studies
    Leiden; Boston:  Brill, 2013
    Katz Center - Stacks. PN811 .L38 2013
    Van Pelt Library. PN811 .L38 2013

  • Freudenthal, Gad
    “From Arabic to Hebrew: The Reception of the Greco-Arab Sciences in Hebrew (Twelfth-Fifteenth Centuries),” pp. 796-815 in, A History of Jewish-Muslim Relations: From the Origins to the Present Day (Princeton:  Princeton University Press, 2013) edd. Abdelwahab Meddeb, Benjamin Stora, Jane Marie Todd and Michael B. Smith
    Katz Center - Stacks. BP173.J8 H5613 2013
    Van Pelt Library. BP173.J8 H5613 2013

  • Freudenthal, Gad
    “Arabic and Latin Cultures as Resources for the Hebrew Translation Movement: Comparative Considerations, both Quantitative and Qualitative,” pp. 74–105 in, Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011) ed. Gad Freudenthal
    Van Pelt Library. Q128 .S35 2011

  • Harvey, Steven
    “Arabic into Hebrew:  The Hebrew translation movement and the influence of Averroes upon medieval Jewish thought,” pp. 258-280 in, The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy (Cambridge University Press, 2003) edd. Daniel H. Frank and Oliver Leaman
    Van Pelt Library. B755 .C36 2003

  • Harvey, Steven
    “Why did Fourteenth-Century Jews Turn to Alghazali’s Account of Natural Science?,” Jewish Quarterly Review 91 (2001) 359-376
    Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .J48
    Research Annex (LIBRA).  DS101 .J48

  • Kahana-Smilansky, Hagar
    “Solomon ben Moses Melguiri and the Transmission of Knowledge from Latin into Hebrew,” pp. 283-302 in, Studies in the history of culture and science: a tribute to Gad Freudenthal
    (Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2011) ed. Resianne Fontaine
    Katz Center - Stacks. BM538.S3 S78 2011
    Van Pelt Library. BM538.S3 S78 2011

  • Lévy, Tony
    “The Establishment of the Mathematical Bookshelf of the Medieval Hebrew Scholar:  Translations and Translators,” Science in Context 10 (1997) 431–451
    Van Pelt Library. Q175.4 .S343

  • Mancha, J.L.
    “The dedicatory letter and the Prologue of Levi ben Gerhom’s Tractatus instumenti astronomiae,” Aleph 17 (2017) 221-249

  • Manekin, Charles H.
    “Steinschneider's Die hebraeischen Übersetzungen des Mittelalters. From Reference Work to Digitalized Database,” Jewish Studies Quarterly 7 (2000) 141-159
    Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. BM70 .J485
    Van Pelt Library. BM70.J485

  • McVaugh, Michael and Lola Ferré
    The Tabula Antidotarii of Armengaud Blaise and Its Hebrew Translation.  Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 90, pt. 6
    Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 2000
    Katz Center - Stacks. R128 .B5612 2000
    Van Pelt Library. Q11 .P6 v.90 pt.6

  • Millás-Vallicrosa, José M.
    “Translations of Oriental Scientific Works (to the end of the Thirteenth Century),” pp. 128-167 in, The Evolution of Science, Readings from the History of Mankind (Chicago; New York:  New American Library, 1963) edd. Guy S. Métraux and François Crouzet
    Research Annex (LIBRA). 509 C112

  • Robinson, James T.
    “The Ibn Tibbon Family: A Dynasty of Translators in Medieval Provence,” pp. 193-224 in, Be’erot Yitzhak: Studies in Memory of Isadore Twersky, ed. J. Harris (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005)
    Katz Center - Stacks. BM180 .B44 2005
    Van Pelt Library. BM180 .B44 2005

  • Rothschild, J.P.
    “Motivations et méthodes des traductions en hébreu du milieu du XIIe à la fin du XVe siècle,” pp. 279-302 in, Traduction et traducteurs au Moyen Âge (Colloque International du CNRS, IRHT, 26–28 mai 1986), (Paris:  Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1989) ed. Geneviève Contamine
    Van Pelt Library. P306.T655 1989

  • Samsó, Julio
    “Traduccions i obres cientifiques originals elaborades en medis jueus.  El desenvolupament de l’hebreu com a llengua cientifica.  La seva projecció al Llenguadoc i a la Provença,” pp. 297-325 in, La ciència en la historia dels Països Catalans.  I.  Dels àrabs al Renaixement (Valencia, 2004) edd. Juan Vernet Ginés and Ramon Parés i Farràs
    Available via BorrowDirect from Harvard University

  • Sela, Shlomo
    "Pietro d'Abano, Translator of Abraham Ibn Ezra's Astrological Writings," Sefarad 79 (2019) 7-87
    Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .S4
    Van Pelt Library. DS101 .S4

  • Sela, Shlomo
    “al-Farghānī on the 48 Ptolemaic constellations:  a newly discovered text in Hebrew translation,” Aleph 16 (2016) 249-365

  • Shatzmiller, Joseph
    “Jacob Ben Elie, traducteur Multilingue à Venise à la fin du XIIIe siècle,” Micrologus: nature, sciences and medieval societies IX (2001) 195-202
    Research Annex (LIBRA). Q124.97 .M537

  • Sirat, C.
    “Les traducteurs juifs à la cour des rois de Sicile et de Naples,” pp. 169-191 in, Traductions et traducteurs au Moyen Age (Paris:  Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1989) ed. Geneviève Contamine
    Van Pelt Library. P306.T655 1989

  • Smithuis, Renate
    “Abraham Ibn Ezra`s Astrological Works in Hebrew and Latin: New Discoveries and Exhaustive Listing,” Aleph 6 (2006) 239-338
    Katz Center - Stacks. BM538.S3 A447
    Van Pelt Library. BM538.S3 A447

  • Steinschneider, Moritz
    “Schriften der Araber in hebräischen Handschriften,” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlädischen Gesellschaft 47 (1893) 335-384
    Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. PJ5 .D4
    Van Pelt Library. PJ5 .D4

  • Valle Rodríguez, Carlos del
    “Algunos aspectos del impacto de la lengua arabe en la gramatica y en la lengua hebrea,” pp. 107-120 in, L'interculturalità dell'Ebraismo (Ravenna : Longo, 2004) ed. Mauro Perani
    Katz Center - Stacks. BM534 .I58 2004
    Van Pelt Library. BM534 .I58 2004

  • Visi, Tamás
    “Berechiah ben Naṭronai ha-Naqdan’s Dodi ve-Neḵdi and the Transfer of Scientific Knowledge from Latin to Hebrew in the Twelfth Century,” Aleph 14 (2014) 9-75

  • Zonta, Mauro Zonta
    “Hebrew transmission of Arabic philosophy and science: a reconstruction of Shem Tov Ibn Falaquera's 'Arabic library',” pp. 121-138 in, L'interculturalità dell'Ebraismo (Ravenna : Longo, 2004) ed. Mauro Perani
    Katz Center - Stacks. BM534 .I58 2004
    Van Pelt Library. BM534 .I58 2004

  • Zonta, Mauro
    “Medieval Hebrew Translations of Philosophical and Scientific Texts: A Chronological Table,” pp. 17-73 in, Science in medieval Jewish cultures (New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011) ed. Gad Freudenthal
    Van Pelt Library. Q128 .S35 2011

  • Zonta, Mauro
    “Avicennas Metaphysics in the Medieval Hebrew Philosophical Tradition,” pp. 153-158 in, The Arabic, Hebrew and Latin Reception of Avicenna's Metaphysics (Walter de Gruyter, 2011) edd. Dag Nikolaus Hasse and Amos Bertolacci
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