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Jews and the Natural Sciences: Medicine

Understanding science in the widest possible sense, this guide offers resources for how Jews investigate, react to, and engage with the physical universe.


Alteras, Isaac

“Jewish Physicians in Southern France during the 13th and 14th Centuries,” Jewish Quarterly Review 68 (1978) 209-223

Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .J48


Barkaï, Ron

A History of Jewish Gynaecological Texts in the Middle Ages

Leiden; Boston:  Brill, 1998

Katz Center - Stacks. RG85.B369 1998

Van Pelt Library. RG85.B369 1998


Benayahu, M.

“R. Abraham ha-Cohen of Zante and his Circle of Doctor Poets in Padua,” [Hebrew] Hasifrut, (1978) 108-140

Katz Center - Periodicals B1. PJ5001 .S54

Van Pelt Library. PJ5001 .S54


Bos, Gerrit, Guido Mensching and Julia Zwink

Medical Glossaries in the Hebrew Tradition: Shem Tov Ben Isaac, Sefer Almansur. With a Supplement on the Romance and Latin Terminology

Leiden; BostonBrill, 2017

Katz Center - Stacks. R128.3 .S5413 2017

Van Pelt Library. R128.3 .S5413 2017


Bos, Gerrit, Martina Hussein, Guido Mensching, and Frank Savelsberg  

Medical Synonym Lists from Medieval Provence: Shem Tov ben Isaac of Tortosa: Sefer ha - Shimmush. Book 29 Part 1: Edition and Commentary of List 1 (Hebrew - Arabic - Romance/Latin)

Leiden; Boston:  Brill, 2011

Katz Center - Stacks. R128 .S54 2010


Caballero-Navas, C.

“Medicine among Medieval Jews: The Science, the Art, and the Practice,” pp. 320-342 in, Science in medieval Jewish cultures (New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011) ed. Gad Freudenthal

Van Pelt Library. Q128 .S35 2011


Carmoly, Eliakim, trans. John Richard Woodcock Dunbar

History of the Jewish Physicians

Baltimore, Printed by J. Murphy, 1845

Katz Center - Stacks Box 1. R133 .C28 1845a

Katz Center - Rare Book Americana. R133 .C28 1845


Carpi, D.

“Jews with Doctoral Degrees in Medicine from the University of Padua in the 16th and Early 17th Centuries [Hebrew],” pp. 62-91 in, Scritti in Memoria di Nathan Cassuto (Jeruslaem : Kedem, Yad Leyakkirenu, 1986) edd. D. Cassuto et al. [republished in his Be-Tarbut ha-Renesans u-vein Homot ha-Geto, 1989]

Van Pelt Library. DS135.I9 C377 1986

Einbender, Susan

“Theory and Practice: A Jewish Physician in Paris and Avignon," AJS Review 33 (2009) 135-153


Emery, Richard

“Jewish Physicians in Medieval Perignan,” Michael 12 (1991) 113-134

Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery.  DS101 .M477


Ferré, Lola

“Avicena hebraico: la traducción del Canon de medicina,” Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos, Sección Hebreo 52 (2003) 161-180

Katz Center - Stacks. PJ3001 .M52

Van Pelt Library. PJ3001 .M52


Ferré, Lola and Raphaela Veit

“The Textual Traditions of Isaac Israeli's Book on Fevers in Arabic, Latin, Hebrew, and Spanish,” Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism 9.2 (2009) 309-334

Katz Center - Stacks. BM538.S3 A447

Van Pelt Library. BM538.S3 A447


Freudenthal, Gad

“Samuel Ibn Tibbon as the Author of Melaḵah qeṭanah, the Hebrew Translation from Arabic of Galen’s Tegni : Probes into the Evolution of his Philosophical Terminology,” Arabic Sciences and Philosophy  26 (2016) 27-43

Van Pelt Library. Q127.A5 A733


Freudenthal, Gad and Resianne Fontaine

“Philosophy and Medicine in Jewish Provence, Anno 1199:  Samuel Ibn Tibbon and Doeg the Edomite Translating Galen’s Tegni,” Arabic Sciences and Philosophy  26 (2016) 1-26

Van Pelt Library. Q127.A5 A733


Friedenwald, Aaron

Jewish Physicians and the Contributions of the Jews to the Science of Medicine

Philadelphia: Gratz College, 1897

Katz Center - Stacks. R694 .F76 1897

Katz Center - Rare Book Americana. R694 .F76 1897


Freudenthal, Gad, Samuel Kottek and Paul B. Fenton, edd.

Mélanges d'histoire de la médecine hébraïque :  Études choisies de la Revue d'histoire de la médecine hébraïque (1948-1984)

Leiden ;  Boston, MA :  Brill,  2003

Katz Center - Stacks. R694 .M455 2003

Van Pelt Library. R694 .M455 2003


Grmek, Mirko Drazen

“Une consultation vénitienne de Paolo Sarpi sur l’exercice de la médecine par les juifs,” Micrologus: nature, sciences and medieval societies IX (2001) 89-104

Research Annex (LIBRA). Q124.97 .M537


Gumpert, Martin and Alfred Joseph

“Medizin,” pp. 461-526 in, Juden im deutschen Kulturbereich;  ein Sammelwerk, ed. Siegmund Kaznelson

Berlin, Jüdischer Verlag 1959

Katz Center - Stacks. DS135.G3 K35 1959


Gutwirth, Eleazer

“Language and Medicine in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire,” pp. 79-95 in, Religious Confessions and the Sciences in the Sixteenth Century (Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2001) edd. Jürgen Helm and Annette Winkelmann

Katz Center - Stacks. BL240.3 .R45 2001

Van Pelt Library. BL240.3 .R45 2001


Heynick, Frank

Jews and Medicine: An Epic Saga

Hoboken, NJ : KTAV Publishing House, Inc., 2002

Van Pelt Library. R694 .H494 2002


Hinojosa, José

“Médicos judios en la ciudad de Valencia durante la baja Edad Media (siglos XIII y XIV),” pp. 2:415-437 in, Estudos em homenagem ao Professor Doutor José Marques, four volumes (Porto:  Faculdade de Letras da Universidad do Porto, 2006)

Available via BorrowDirect from Yale and Princeton Universities


Kaufmann, David

“Trois docteurs de Padoue,” Revue des etudes juives 18 (l889) 293-298

Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .R45

Van Pelt Library. DS101 .R45


Koren, Nathan

Jewish Physicians: A Biographical Index

Jerusalem : Israel Universities Press, 1973.

Van Pelt Library. R694 .K67 1973


Kottek, Samuel

“Medical Practice and Jewish Law:  Sefer Torat HaAdam,” pp. 163-172 in, Medicine and Medical Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Spain (Jerusalem:  Magnes Press, 1996) edd. Samuel Kottek and Luis Garcia-Ballester

Van Pelt Library. R724 .M43 1996


Kozodoy, Maud

“Medieval Hebrew Medical Poetry: Uses and Contexts,” Aleph 11 (2011) 213-288

Katz Center - Stacks. BM538.S3 A447

Van Pelt Library. BM538.S3 A447


Kozodoy, Maud

“The Jewish Physician in Medieval Iberia (1100-1500),” pp. 102-137 in, The Jew in Medieval Iberia (Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2012) ed. Jonathan Ray

Van Pelt Library. DS135.S7 J48 2012

Licence for a Jewish Physician, 1589

Translated and reprinted in D. Cambers and B. Pullan (Eds.), Venice: A Documentary History, 1450-1630. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1992, pp. 340-341


Mendelssohn, Edwin

The popes' Jewish doctors, 492-1655 CE

Lauderhill, Fla : E. Mendelssohn, 1991

Katz Center - Stacks. R694 .M46 1991

Kislak Center for Special Collections - Lea Collection. R694 .M523 1991


Münz, Isak

Die jüdischen ärzte im mittelalter : Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters

Frankfurt a . M. : J. Kauffmann, 1922

Katz Center - Stacks. R690 .M8 1922


Rapoport, Josef

“Los medicos judios y su actividad en el reino de Navarra, 1349-1425,” Principe de Viana 229 (2003) 333-351


Robinson, James T.,

“Al-Fārābī Avicenna, and Averroes in Hebrew: remarks on the indirect transmission of Arabic-Islamic Philosophy in medieval Judaism,” pp. 59-87 in, The Judeo-Christian-Islamic heritage:  philosophical & theological perspectives (Milwaukee: Marquette University Pres, 2012) edd. Irfan Omar and Richard Taylor,alfarabi,avicenna,averroes.pdf


Ruderman, David B.

“Some Jewish Responses to Smallpox Prevention in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries: A New Perspective on the Modernization of European Jewry,” Aleph, Historical Studies in Science and Judaism 2 (2002) 111-144

Katz Center - Stacks. BM538.S3 A447

Van Pelt Library. BM538.S3 A447


Ruderman, David B.

“The Impact of Science on Jewish Culture and Society in Venice (With Special Reference to Jewish Graduates of Padua's Medical School), pp. 417-448 in, Gli Ebrei e Venezia : secoli XIV-XVIII : atti del Convegno internationale organizzato dall'Istituto di storia della società e dello stato veneziano della Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, 5-10 giugno 1983 (Milan:  Edizioni di Comunità, 1987) ed. Gaetano Cozzi

Katz Center - Stacks. DS135.I85 V4234 1987

Van Pelt Library. DS135.I8 E28 1983


Shatzmiller, Joseph

Jews, Medicine, and Medieval Society

Berkeley:  University of California Press, 1995

Katz Center - Stacks. R694 .S52 1994

Van Pelt Library. R694 .S52 1994


Visi, Tamás

“Medieval Hebrew Uroscopic Texts: The Reception of Greek Uroscopic Texts in the Hebrew Book of Remedies Attributed to Asaf,” pp. 162–97 in, Texts in Transit in the Medieval Mediterranean (Philadelphia:  University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016) edd. Y. Tzvi Langermann and Robert G. Morrison

Van Pelt Library. Z106.5.M43 T49 2016

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