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Jews and the Natural Sciences: Medicine

Understanding science in the widest possible sense, this guide offers resources for how Jews investigate, react to, and engage with the physical universe.


  • Alteras, Isaac
    “Jewish Physicians in Southern France during the 13th and 14th Centuries,” Jewish Quarterly Review 68 (1978) 209-223
    Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .J48

  • Barkaï, Ron
    A History of Jewish Gynaecological Texts in the Middle Ages
    Leiden; Boston:  Brill, 1998
    Katz Center - Stacks. RG85.B369 1998
    Van Pelt Library. RG85.B369 1998

  • Benayahu, M.
    “R. Abraham ha-Cohen of Zante and his Circle of Doctor Poets in Padua,” [Hebrew] Hasifrut, (1978) 108-140
    Katz Center - Periodicals B1. PJ5001 .S54
    Van Pelt Library. PJ5001 .S54

  • Bos, Gerrit, Guido Mensching and Julia Zwink
    Medical Glossaries in the Hebrew Tradition: Shem Tov Ben Isaac, Sefer Almansur. With a Supplement on the Romance and Latin Terminology
    Leiden; Boston:  Brill, 2017
    Katz Center - Stacks. R128.3 .S5413 2017
    Van Pelt Library. R128.3 .S5413 2017

  • Bos, Gerrit, Martina Hussein, Guido Mensching, and Frank Savelsberg  
    Medical Synonym Lists from Medieval Provence: Shem Tov ben Isaac of Tortosa: Sefer ha - Shimmush. Book 29 Part 1: Edition and Commentary of List 1 (Hebrew - Arabic - Romance/Latin)
    Leiden; Boston:  Brill, 2011
    Katz Center - Stacks. R128 .S54 2010

  • Caballero-Navas, C.
    “Medicine among Medieval Jews: The Science, the Art, and the Practice,” pp. 320-342 in, Science in medieval Jewish cultures (New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011) ed. Gad Freudenthal
    Van Pelt Library. Q128 .S35 2011

  • Carmoly, Eliakim, trans. John Richard Woodcock Dunbar
    History of the Jewish Physicians
    Baltimore, Printed by J. Murphy, 1845
    Katz Center - Stacks Box 1. R133 .C28 1845a
    Katz Center - Rare Book Americana. R133 .C28 1845

  • Carpi, D.
    “Jews with Doctoral Degrees in Medicine from the University of Padua in the 16th and Early 17th Centuries [Hebrew],” pp. 62-91 in, Scritti in Memoria di Nathan Cassuto (Jeruslaem : Kedem, Yad Leyakkirenu, 1986) edd. D. Cassuto et al. [republished in his Be-Tarbut ha-Renesans u-vein Homot ha-Geto, 1989]
    Van Pelt Library. DS135.I9 C377 1986

  • Einbender, Susan
    “Theory and Practice: A Jewish Physician in Paris and Avignon," AJS Review 33 (2009) 135-153

  • Emery, Richard
    “Jewish Physicians in Medieval Perignan,” Michael 12 (1991) 113-134
    Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery.  DS101 .M477

  • Ferré, Lola
    “Avicena hebraico: la traducción del Canon de medicina,” Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos, Sección Hebreo 52 (2003) 161-180
    Katz Center - Stacks. PJ3001 .M52
    Van Pelt Library. PJ3001 .M52

  • Ferré, Lola and Raphaela Veit
    “The Textual Traditions of Isaac Israeli's Book on Fevers in Arabic, Latin, Hebrew, and Spanish,” Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism 9.2 (2009) 309-334
    Katz Center - Stacks. BM538.S3 A447
    Van Pelt Library. BM538.S3 A447

  • Freudenthal, Gad
    “Samuel Ibn Tibbon as the Author of Melaḵah qeṭanah, the Hebrew Translation from Arabic of Galen’s Tegni : Probes into the Evolution of his Philosophical Terminology,” Arabic Sciences and Philosophy  26 (2016) 27-43
    Van Pelt Library. Q127.A5 A733

  • Freudenthal, Gad and Resianne Fontaine
    “Philosophy and Medicine in Jewish Provence, Anno 1199:  Samuel Ibn Tibbon and Doeg the Edomite Translating Galen’s Tegni,” Arabic Sciences and Philosophy  26 (2016) 1-26
    Van Pelt Library. Q127.A5 A733

  • Friedenwald, Aaron
    Jewish Physicians and the Contributions of the Jews to the Science of Medicine
    Philadelphia: Gratz College, 1897
    Katz Center - Stacks. R694 .F76 1897
    Katz Center - Rare Book Americana. R694 .F76 1897

  • Freudenthal, Gad, Samuel Kottek and Paul B. Fenton, edd.
    Mélanges d'histoire de la médecine hébraïque :  Études choisies de la Revue d'histoire de la médecine hébraïque (1948-1984)
    Leiden ;  Boston, MA :  Brill,  2003
    Katz Center - Stacks. R694 .M455 2003
    Van Pelt Library. R694 .M455 2003

  • Grmek, Mirko Drazen
    “Une consultation vénitienne de Paolo Sarpi sur l’exercice de la médecine par les juifs,” Micrologus: nature, sciences and medieval societies IX (2001) 89-104
    Research Annex (LIBRA). Q124.97 .M537

  • Gumpert, Martin and Alfred Joseph
    “Medizin,” pp. 461-526 in, Juden im deutschen Kulturbereich;  ein Sammelwerk, ed. Siegmund Kaznelson
    Berlin, Jüdischer Verlag 1959
    Katz Center - Stacks. DS135.G3 K35 1959

  • Gutwirth, Eleazer
    “Language and Medicine in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire,” pp. 79-95 in, Religious Confessions and the Sciences in the Sixteenth Century (Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2001) edd. Jürgen Helm and Annette Winkelmann
    Katz Center - Stacks. BL240.3 .R45 2001
    Van Pelt Library. BL240.3 .R45 2001

  • Heynick, Frank
    Jews and Medicine: An Epic Saga
    Hoboken, NJ : KTAV Publishing House, Inc., 2002
    Van Pelt Library. R694 .H494 2002

  • Hinojosa, José
    “Médicos judios en la ciudad de Valencia durante la baja Edad Media (siglos XIII y XIV),” pp. 2:415-437 in, Estudos em homenagem ao Professor Doutor José Marques, four volumes (Porto:  Faculdade de Letras da Universidad do Porto, 2006)
    Available via BorrowDirect from Yale and Princeton Universities

  • Kaufmann, David
    “Trois docteurs de Padoue,” Revue des etudes juives 18 (l889) 293-298
    Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .R45
    Van Pelt Library. DS101 .R45

  • Koren, Nathan
    Jewish Physicians: A Biographical Index
    Jerusalem : Israel Universities Press, 1973.
    Van Pelt Library. R694 .K67 1973

  • Kottek, Samuel
    “Medical Practice and Jewish Law:  Sefer Torat HaAdam,” pp. 163-172 in, Medicine and Medical Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Spain (Jerusalem:  Magnes Press, 1996) edd. Samuel Kottek and Luis Garcia-Ballester
    Van Pelt Library. R724 .M43 1996

  • Kozodoy, Maud
    “Medieval Hebrew Medical Poetry: Uses and Contexts,” Aleph 11 (2011) 213-288
    Katz Center - Stacks. BM538.S3 A447
    Van Pelt Library. BM538.S3 A447

  • Kozodoy, Maud
    “The Jewish Physician in Medieval Iberia (1100-1500),” pp. 102-137 in, The Jew in Medieval Iberia (Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2012) ed. Jonathan Ray
    Van Pelt Library. DS135.S7 J48 2012

  • Licence for a Jewish Physician, 1589
    Translated and reprinted in D. Cambers and B. Pullan (Eds.), Venice: A Documentary History, 1450-1630. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1992, pp. 340-341

  • Mendelssohn, Edwin
    The popes' Jewish doctors, 492-1655 CE
    Lauderhill, Fla : E. Mendelssohn, 1991
    Katz Center - Stacks. R694 .M46 1991
    Kislak Center for Special Collections - Lea Collection. R694 .M523 1991

  • Münz, Isak
    Die jüdischen ärzte im mittelalter : Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters
    Frankfurt a . M. : J. Kauffmann, 1922
    Katz Center - Stacks. R690 .M8 1922

  • Rapoport, Josef
    “Los medicos judios y su actividad en el reino de Navarra, 1349-1425,” Principe de Viana 229 (2003) 333-351

  • Robinson, James T.,
    “Al-Fārābī Avicenna, and Averroes in Hebrew: remarks on the indirect transmission of Arabic-Islamic Philosophy in medieval Judaism,” pp. 59-87 in, The Judeo-Christian-Islamic heritage:  philosophical & theological perspectives (Milwaukee: Marquette University Pres, 2012) edd. Irfan Omar and Richard Taylor,alfarabi,avicenna,averroes.pdf

  • Ruderman, David B.
    “Some Jewish Responses to Smallpox Prevention in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries: A New Perspective on the Modernization of European Jewry,” Aleph, Historical Studies in Science and Judaism 2 (2002) 111-144
    Katz Center - Stacks. BM538.S3 A447
    Van Pelt Library. BM538.S3 A447

  • Ruderman, David B.
    “The Impact of Science on Jewish Culture and Society in Venice (With Special Reference to Jewish Graduates of Padua's Medical School), pp. 417-448 in, Gli Ebrei e Venezia : secoli XIV-XVIII : atti del Convegno internationale organizzato dall'Istituto di storia della società e dello stato veneziano della Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, 5-10 giugno 1983 (Milan:  Edizioni di Comunità, 1987) ed. Gaetano Cozzi
    Katz Center - Stacks. DS135.I85 V4234 1987
    Van Pelt Library. DS135.I8 E28 1983

  • Shatzmiller, Joseph
    Jews, Medicine, and Medieval Society
    Berkeley:  University of California Press, 1995
    Katz Center - Stacks. R694 .S52 1994
    Van Pelt Library. R694 .S52 1994

  • Visi, Tamás
    “Medieval Hebrew Uroscopic Texts: The Reception of Greek Uroscopic Texts in the Hebrew Book of Remedies Attributed to Asaf,” pp. 162–97 in, Texts in Transit in the Medieval Mediterranean (Philadelphia:  University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016) edd. Y. Tzvi Langermann and Robert G. Morrison
    Van Pelt Library. Z106.5.M43 T49 2016

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