Links to full-text from within Articles+
Articles+, a large multidisciplinary database offering access to many resources, provides paths to full-text differently. From the search results page, note these availability indicators:
- The link may take you directly to full-text.
- If the link does not go directly to the full-text, you may get sent to
- 1) The main journal page or index of issues and need to navigate to the desired issue or
- 2) The PennText Services page (see below), which provides links to full-text options if available, information on print availability, and request options.

- This link take you to a citation page. Next click on the PennText icon in the upper right corner to go to the Services page.
PennText Services Page - Options you will encounter
Full-text is available
When full-text is available AND you are not taken directly to it, you will see an intermediate page, call the PennText Services page. On this page, when full-text options are available, links will display under the "View Online" menu in the center of the page.

Online Full-text is not available, but the library has print options
In these cases, you will see a "Get it" Menu. Click the Sign in button and Request Options appropriate to the item will display and may include: BorrowDirect+, Interlibrary Loan, Scan and Deliver, Books by Mail. For more information on Request options, see BorrowDirect, E-ZBorrow and Interlibrary Loan: Getting Started.

Neither full-text online or print is available
When there are no links to full-text, you will see the "How to get it" menu. Click the Sign in option, to see Request Options: Scan and Deliver, BorrowDirect+, and InterLibrary Loan. For more information on Request options, see BorrowDirect, E-ZBorrow and Interlibrary Loan: Getting Started.