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Using Articles+

Film Reviews

While there is a content type limit for book reviews, there is not one for film reviews.  The term movie reviews is in the subject field of many works reviewing films.  A search in this format should yield some film reviews:

whiplash AND SubjectTerms:(review*)

Quick citation search

To search for a specific citation in Articles+, search words from  text fields: author, title, publication name.  More than one record may be in the results, because either the words searched bring up other citations or the citation itself  is in the references of other records. Remember that volume number field is not searched in the basic search. 

A search for an item, which is retrieved as the first result, titled "Motivation and Engagement Across the Academic Life Span"


A search for DOI:(10.1068/a46259) which retrieved a single journal article titled "Rethinking Sociotechnical Transitions and Green Entrepreneurship"DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) are best searched using the field indicator DOI : DOI:(10.1068/a46259)


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