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Using Articles+

Using Limits

Articles+ provides many useful search limits on the left side of the interface.
Grey box labeled Content type with several content types listed, including newspaper article, journal article, manuscript, and magazine article. Each content type has a number of works listed next to it in parentheses. A red arrow points to the Journal article content type, which has a green checkmark next to it and is bolded. Magazine article also has a green checkmark next to it and is bolded.

If you wish to utilize limits not immediately visible, click the More... option to see all values within a Limit. Click the green check to include or the red X to exclude.

To clear limits click An X with text next to it which reads: Clear Filters



Articles+ contains records for materials in over 50 languages.  After performing a search, you can limit results to one or more languages represented in the results set.  The first five most represented languages will show in the language limit on the left.  Click more to see all languages represented in the results.   You can do a blank search to see the number of records in each language.   The Language limit uses the language of the work.

Grey box labeled Language. Several languages are listed below, including English, Japanese, Chinese, German, Spanish, and the text More. The top option, labeled Any, is bolded and has a blue checkmark next to it.

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