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Using Articles+

Language Limit

Grey box labeled Language. Several languages are listed below, including English, Japanese, Chinese, German, Spanish, and the text More. The top option, labeled Any, is bolded and has a blue checkmark next to it.

Articles+ contains records for materials in over 50 languages.  Before or after Grey box labeled Language with expanded options. Several languages are listed below in alphabetical order, including Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, and othersperforming a search, you can limit the results to one or more languages. 

To see the number of citations available in each language, with a blank search box, click search.   Then, at the bottom of the right column, click on Language, and then more....

In Articles+ there are  two distinct language attributes:

1) the language of the record, 

2) language of the work itself (book, article, etc.).


The  Language limit uses the language of the work, while native-language searching uses the language of the record.




See: More on Language

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