Session Overview |
8:00am - 5:00pm |
Registration Open Location: Cohen Hall Schneidman Lobby |
8:30am - 10:00am |
Breakfast Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
9:00am - 11:00am |
PCW-1: Pre-Conference Workshop: "Getting Published" Location: Van Pelt Seminar Room 402 Facilitator: Jerome E. Singerman, Humanities Editor, University of Pennsylvania Press |
9:00am - 3:00pm |
SHARP Executive Committee Meeting Location: Van Pelt Meyerson Conference Center |
10:00am - 11:00am |
Tour: Rare Book Department, Free Library of Philadelphia Location: meet in Free Library of Philadelphia foyer Tour led by: Janine Pollock, Head, Rare Book Department, Free Library of Philadelphia |
10:00am - 1:00pm |
PCW-2: Pre-Conference Round Table: "Digitization Crossroads" and Tour of Schoenberg Institute for Electronic Text and Image Location: Van Pelt Class of 1955 Conference Room Round Table participants: Mitch Fraas, University of Pennsylvania; Mark A. Greene, University of Wyoming; Melissa Homestead, University of Nebraska; August Imholtz, Jr., Readex (retired); Jen Rajchel, Tri-College Digital Humanities Initiative Facilitator: Alea Henle, independent scholar Tour led by: David McKnight, Director, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania |
10:00am - 1:00pm |
PCW-3: Pre-Conference Workshop: "Not Just the Icing on the Cake: Integrating Special Collections into Teaching and Learning" Location: Van Pelt Lea Library Facilitators: Lynne Farrington, Curator of Printed Books, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania; John Pollack, Library Specialist for Public Services, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania |
10:30am - 11:30am |
Tour: Rosenbach Museum and Library Location: meet at Rosenbach Museum and Library Tour led by: Judy Guston, Director of Collections, Rosenbach Museum and Library |
10:30am - 12:00pm |
Tour: Library Company of Philadelphia and Historical Society of Pennsylvania Location: meet in Library Company of Philadelphia lobby LCP Tour led by: James N. Green, Librarian, Library Company of Philadelphia HSP Tour led by: Lee Arnold, Senior Director of the Library and Collections, Historical Society of Pennsylvania |
Tour: University of Pennsylvania Archives and Architectural Archives Location: meet at University Archives Archives tour led by: Mark Frazier Lloyd, Director, University Archives and Records Center, University of Pennsylvania Architectural Archives tour led by: William Whitaker, Curator and Collections Manager, Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania |
11:00am - 12:00pm |
Tour: "A Legacy Inscribed: The Schoenberg Collection of Manuscripts" Exhibition (Penn Libraries) Location: meet at Van Pelt Special Collections Center Tour led by: exhibition curator Lynn Ransom, Project Manager, Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts, University of Pennsylvania Libraries |
11:30am - 12:30pm |
Tour: Rosenbach Museum and Library Location: meet at Rosenbach Museum and Library Tour led by: Farrar Fitzgerald, Assistant Director of Education, Rosenbach Museum and Library |
12:00pm - 4:00pm |
Book Exhibit Open Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
1:30pm - 3:00pm |
Tour: Library Company of Philadelphia and Historical Society of Pennsylvania Location: meet in Library Company of Philadelphia lobby LCP Tour led by: James N. Green, Librarian, Library Company of Philadelphia HSP Tour led by: Lee Arnold, Senior Director of the Library and Collections, Historical Society of Pennsylvania |
Tour: University of Pennsylvania Archives and Architectural Archives Location: meet at University Archives Archives tour led by: Mark Frazier Lloyd, Director, University Archives and Records Center, University of Pennsylvania Architectural Archives tour led by: William Whitaker, Curator and Collections Manager, Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania |
2:00pm - 3:00pm |
Tour: Rare Book Department, Free Library of Philadelphia Location: meet in Free Library of Philadelphia foyer Tour led by: Katharine Chandler, Reference Librarian, Rare Book Department, Free Library of Philadelphia |
Tour: University of Pennsylvania Special Collections Center Location: meet at Van Pelt Special Collections Center Tour led by: William Noel, Director, Special Collections Center, and Founding Director, Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, University of Pennsylvania Libraries |
4:00pm - 5:30pm |
K-1: Conference Welcome; Opening Keynote: Roger Chartier, "Geographies of the Book / Geographies in Books" Location: Cohen Hall G-17 Directeur d'Études, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales; Professeur, Collège de France; Annenberg Professor of History, University of Pennsylvania Opening Remarks: Conference Convenor David McKnight, Director, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania Introduction by Peter Stallybrass, Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Humanities and Professor of English and of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, University of Pennsylvania |
5:30pm - 7:30pm |
Opening Reception Location: Van Pelt Special Collections Center |
7:30am - 8:30am |
Breakfast Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
7:30am - 12:00pm |
Registration Open Location: Cohen Hall Schneidman Lobby |
8:00am - 1:00pm |
Book Exhibit Open Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
8:30am - 10:00am |
A-1: The Unbound Antebellum South: The Relationship between Regionalism and Nationalism Location: Van Pelt Class of 1978 Pavilion Chair: John L. Dwiggins (University of Pennsylvania)
A-2: The Geographies of Books and Readers in the First World War Location: Van Pelt Meyerson Conference Center Chair: Samuel Streit (Brown University (retired)) |
A-3: The Transformation of Chinese Classics Across Time and Space Location: Van Pelt Seminar Rooms 626/627 Chair: Nathan Vedal (Harvard University) |
A-4: Typographic Travels Location: Houston Hall Golkin Room Chair: Katherine McCanless Ruffin (Wellesley College) |
A-5: Religion, Literature, and the Early Modern Book Trade Location: Van Pelt Seminar Room 402 Chair: Karl Krueger (Lutheran Theological Seminary) |
A-6: Sociability, Publishers, and Readers Location: Houston Hall Class of '49 Auditorium Chair: Josée Vincent (Université de Sherbrooke) |
A-7: Nation, Book, and Image: Colonial and Postcolonial Africa Location: Houston Hall Benjamin Franklin Room Chair: Patricia G. Clark (Westminster College) |
A-8: Imaginary Geographies I Location: Van Pelt Class of 1955 Conference Room Chair: Christian Dupont (Atlas Systems) |
10:00am - 10:30am |
Coffee Break Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
10:30am - 12:00pm |
B-1: Embodied Geographies: Writers, Readers, and Publishers, 1150-1599 Location: Van Pelt Class of 1978 Pavilion Chair: Karla Nielsen (Columbia University) |
B-2: Selling Spaces: Geographies of the Bookstore in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century America Location: Houston Hall Class of '49 Auditorium Chair: Michael Winship (University of Texas at Austin) |
B-3: Geographies of Scientific Writing Practices Location: Van Pelt Class of 1955 Conference Room Chair: Karen Reeds (Princeton Research Forum, independent scholar) |
B-4: Books in the Era of the Second World War Location: Van Pelt Seminar Rooms 626/627 Chair: Kathy Peiss (University of Pennsylvania) |
B-5: The Changing Face of Publishing in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Location: Houston Hall Benjamin Franklin Room Chair: Claire Parfait (Université Paris 13) |
B-6: Books Down Under Location: Houston Hall Golkin Room Chair: Jay Gertzman (independent scholar) |
B-7: Editeurs franco-brésiliens au dix-neuvième siècle Location: Van Pelt Meyerson Conference Center Chair: Willa Silverman (Pennsylvania State University) |
B-8: Copyright and Its Discontents: An International Perspective Location: Van Pelt Seminar Room 402 Chair: Julie Nelson Davis (University of Pennsylvania) |
12:00pm - 1:30pm |
Lunch (on your own) |
SHARP Board of Directors Meeting Location: Van Pelt Meyerson Conference Center |
1:00pm - 5:00pm |
Registration Open Location: Chemical Heritage Foundation Lobby |
1:30pm - 2:30pm |
L-1: Lightning Talks I: Lays of the Land Location: CHF Franklin Room 1 Chair: Peter Stallybrass (University of Pennsylvania) |
L-2: Lightning Talks II: Creating and Manipulating Text and Image Location: CHF Franklin Room 2 Chair: Eleanor F. Shevlin (West Chester University of Pennsylvania) |
L-3: Lightning Talks III: Topographies of the Page Location: CHF Röhm and Haas Room Chair: David McKnight (University of Pennsylvania) |
1:30pm - 2:30pm |
Tour: American Philosophical Society Location: meet at American Philosophical Society Tour led by: Charles Greifenstein, Associate Librarian and Curator of Manuscripts, American Philosophical Society |
Tour: Athenæum of Philadelphia Location: meet at Athenæum of Philadelphia Tour led by: Sandra L. Tatman, Executive Director, Athenæum of Philadelphia |
Tour: Chemical Heritage Foundation Location: meet in Chemical Heritage Foundation lobby Tour lead by: Ronald Brashear, Arnold Thackery Director, Othmer Library of Chemical History, Chemical Heritage Foundation |
2:30pm - 3:00pm |
Coffee Break Location: CHF Overlook Lounge |
3:00pm - 4:30pm |
C-1: Geographies of Copyright Location: CHF Franklin Room 1 Chair: Roger Chartier (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales / University of Pennsylvania) |
C-2: Franklin's Links and Legacies Location: CHF Franklin Room 2 Chair: James N. Green (Library Company of Philadelphia) |
C-3: Abolitionist Geographies in Black and White Location: CHF Röhm and Haas Room Chair: Lucia Hodgson (Texas A&M University) |
C-4: Medicine, Mathematics, and the Marvelous Location: CHF Garden Room 1 Chair: Cassandra Hatton (Bonhams, USA) |
C-5: Errant Pre-Modern Geographies Location: CHF Garden Room 2 Chair: Christine Nelson (The Morgan Library and Museum, USA) |
3:30pm - 4:30pm |
Tour: American Philosophical Society Location: meet at American Philosophical Society Tour led by: Charles Greifenstein, Associate Librarian and Curator of Manuscripts, American Philosophical Society |
Tour: Athenæum of Philadelphia Location: meet at Athenæum of Philadelphia Tour led by: Sandra L. Tatman, Executive Director, Athenæum of Philadelphia |
Tour: Chemical Heritage Foundation Location: meet in Chemical Heritage Foundation lobby Tour lead by: James R. Voelkel, Curator of Rare Books, Othmer Library of Chemical History, Chemical Heritage Foundation |
Tour: Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Location: meet in Katz Center lobby Tour led by: Arthur Kiron, Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections, Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania |
4:30pm - 5:00pm |
Coffee Break Location: CHF Overlook Lounge |
5:00pm - 6:30pm |
K-2: Keynote Address: Michael F. Suarez, S.J., "Transmission History is Reception History: Approaching Global Bibliography" Location: CHF Ullyot Hall Director, Rare Book School; Professor of English, University Professor, and Honorary Curator of Special Collections, University of Virginia Welcome: Ronald Brashear, Arnold Thackray Director of the Othmer Library of Chemical History, Chemical Heritage Foundation Introduction: Daniel H. Traister, Curator, Research Services, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania |
6:30pm - 8:00pm |
Reception Location: CHF Jacobs Reading Room |
7:30am - 8:30am |
Breakfast Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
SHARP Liaisons and Country/Geographic Area Representatives Group Meetings Location: University Club, Inn at Penn |
7:30am - 5:00pm |
Registration Open Location: Cohen Hall Schneidman Lobby |
8:00am - 5:00pm |
Book Exhibit Open Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
8:30am - 10:00am |
D-1: Round Table: Book Diplomacy, Modernization Theory, and the Cultural Cold War Location: Van Pelt Meyerson Conference Center Chair: Trysh Travis (University of Florida) |
D-2: Community and Conflict: Geographies of Reading Location: Houston Hall Benjamin Franklin Room Chair: Jay Satterfield (Dartmouth College) |
D-3: Beyond the Panel: Encounters between Comics Studies and Book History Location: Van Pelt Seminar Rooms 626/627 Chair: Janine Pollock (Free Library of Philadelphia) |
D-4: Reconceptualizing Text and Publication in Migration Experience Location: Cohen Hall G-17 Chair: Minna Ahokas (University of Helsinki) |
D-5: Emigrating Books Location: Van Pelt Class of 1978 Pavilion Chair: Chase Richards (University of Pennsylvania) |
D-6: Circulating Identities: Nineteenth-Century American Periodicals Location: Houston Hall Golkin Room Chair: Alexander Starre (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) |
D-7: Mapmaking and Print Technology Location: Van Pelt Class of 1955 Conference Room Chair: Katherine Parker (University of Pittsburgh) |
10:00am - 10:30am |
Coffee Break Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
10:30am - 12:00pm |
P-1: Plenary: "Dream of Ferdinand: SHARP’s Impossible Global Ambitions" Location: Cohen Hall G-17 Chairs: Simon Frost (Senior Lecturer in English, Bournemouth University), Sydney Shep (Senior Lecturer in Print and Book Culture, School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington) Participants: Corinna Norrick-Rühl (Research Associate/Instructor, Institute for Book Studies, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz); Nathan Garvey (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of English, Media Studies and Art History, University of Queensland); Loretta de Franceschi (Full Researcher, Facolta' di Lettere e Filosofia, Dipartimento di Scienze del Testo e del Patrimonio Culturale, University of Urbino); Geraldine Rogers (Faculty Professor of Argentine Literature, University of La Plata-CONICET) |
11:00am - 12:00pm |
Tour: "Prehistoric Wessex: Towards a Deep Map" Exhibition (Penn Libraries) Location: meet at Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center main entryway Tour led by: exhibition curator David Platt, Access Services, University of Pennsylvania Libraries |
12:00pm - 1:30pm |
Lunch (on your own) |
12:30pm - 1:30pm |
Tour: University of Pennsylvania Special Collections Center Location: meet at Van Pelt Special Collections Center Tour led by: William Noel, Director, Special Collections Center, and Founding Director, Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, University of Pennsylvania Libraries |
12:30pm - 3:30pm |
DPS: Digital Projects Showcase Location: Houston Hall Hall of Flags Chair: Eleanor F. Shevlin (West Chester University of Pennsylvania) |
3:00pm - 4:30pm |
E-1: The Book in the Cold War Location: Cohen Hall G-17 Chair: Brooke Sylvia Palmieri (Sokol Books Ltd.) |
E-2: The Metaphysics of Empire: Geography and the Imagination in Early Modern Anglo-American Historiography Location: Houston Hall Benjamin Franklin Room Chair: Vanda Anastácio (University of Lisbon) |
E-3: The Idea of North: Representing Canada Location: Houston Hall Golkin Room Chair: Mary Lu MacDonald (independent scholar) |
E-4: Courtesy and Copyright Location: Van Pelt Meyerson Conference Center Chair: Donald Farren (independent scholar) |
E-5: The Alchemy of the Page: Transforming Image and Text Location: Van Pelt Seminar Room 402 Chair: Michelle Strizever (independent scholar) |
E-6: Marketing Popular Literature in the Twentieth Century Location: Van Pelt Class of 1955 Conference Room Chair: Daniel H. Traister (University of Pennsylvania) |
E-7: Studies in the Long Eighteenth Century Location: Van Pelt Seminar Rooms 626/627 Chair: James Woolley (Lafayette College) |
E-8: American Geographies, American Histories Location: Van Pelt Class of 1978 Pavilion Chair: Fiona Ruth Bell (University of KwaZulu-Natal) |
4:30pm - 5:00pm |
Coffee Break Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
5:00pm - 6:00pm |
F-1: A New Geography of Readers: The Circulation of Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Genres of Medical Knowledge Location: Van Pelt Class of 1955 Conference Room Chair: Rebecca Elizabeth Bowd (University of Leeds) |
F-2: Textual Geographies of the Early Modern Hispanic World Location: Houston Hall Benjamin Franklin Room Chair: Marina S. Brownlee (Princeton University) |
F-3: Where the Wild Things Were: Geographies of English Herbals Location: Houston Hall Golkin Room Chair: Karl Gustaf Jens Eriksson (Uppsala University) |
F-4: Print Culture in Antebellum America Location: Cohen Hall G-17 Chair: Krystal Appiah (Library Company of Philadelphia) |
F-5: The Islamic Book Beyond the Islamic World Location: Van Pelt Seminar Rooms 626/627 Chair: Abhijit Gupta (Jadavpur University) |
F-6: The Circulation of Texts in Early America Location: Van Pelt Class of 1978 Pavilion Chair: John Pollack (University of Pennsylvania) |
F-7: Students and Scholars Location: Van Pelt Meyerson Conference Center Chair: Shawn Martin (University of Pennsylvania) |
7:00pm - 10:00pm |
Conference Banquet Location: Houston Hall Hall of Flags Reflecting the conference theme, our banquet, "Tastes of Philadelphia," will feature a variety of food stations serving cuisines that reflect the ethnic diversity of Philadelphia. |
7:30am - 8:30am |
Breakfast Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
8:00am - 10:30am |
Registration Open Location: Cohen Hall Schneidman Lobby |
8:00am - 12:00pm |
Book Exhibit Open Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
8:30am - 10:00am |
G-1: Geographies of the Novel Location: Van Pelt Class of 1978 Pavilion Chair: Roger Chartier (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales / University of Pennsylvania) |
G-2: Displacements, Strategies and the Publishing Market: France, Portugal, England, and Brazil Location: Cohen Hall G-17 Chair: Laurence Hallewell (independent scholar, retired librarian) |
G-3: Imaginary Geographies II Location: Van Pelt Class of 1955 Conference Room Chair: Kevin Absillis (University of Antwerp) |
G-4: Traveling Texts / Texts for Travelers Location: Van Pelt Seminar Rooms 626/627 Chair: Roar Lishaugen (University of Oslo) |
G-5: Philadelphia Stories Location: Houston Hall Class of '49 Auditorium Chair: Eric Pumroy (Bryn Mawr College) |
G-6: Locating the Text Location: Van Pelt Meyerson Conference Center Chair: Alan Galey (University of Toronto) |
10:00am - 10:30am |
Coffee Break Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
10:30am - 12:00pm |
K-3: Closing Keynote: Ian Gregory, "Towards Spatial Humanities: Using GIS to Map and Analyze the Geographies within Texts" Location: Cohen Hall G-17 Professor of Digital Humanities, Lancaster University Introduction: Bertrum MacDonald (Professor of Information Management, Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University)
Response: Sydney Shep (Senior Lecturer, School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington) |
12:00pm - 2:00pm |
Lunch and SHARP Annual General Meeting Location: Houston Hall Class of '49 Auditorium A buffet lunch will be served. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm |
H-1: Across Frontiers: Movements in Canadian and Québécois Literary Publishing Location: Van Pelt Meyerson Conference Center Chair: Alison Rukavina (University of Alberta) |
H-2: Romantic Geographies and Hemispheric Histories in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Print Culture Location: Van Pelt Class of 1955 Conference Room Chair: Robert Battistini (Columbia University) |
H-3: Early Modern European Culture and Typography Location: Van Pelt Seminar Room 402 Chair: Martin Burke (The Graduate Center, The City University of New York) |
H-4: Music in Motion Location: Van Pelt Seminar Rooms 626/627 Chair: Tuija Laine (University of Helsinki) |
H-5: Reading and Empire Location: Cohen Hall G-17 Chair: Mitch Fraas (University of Pennsylvania) |
H-6: Book Art / Books as Art Location: Van Pelt Class of 1978 Pavilion Chair: Ruth R. Rogers (Wellesley College) |
3:30pm - 4:00pm |
Coffee Break Location: Cohen Hall Terrace Room |
4:00pm - 5:30pm |
P-2: Closing Plenary: "Mapping Book History" Location: Cohen Hall G-17 The names of plenary participants will be revealed at the session Chair: Ian Gadd (Professor in English Literature, School of Humanities and Cultural Industries, Bath Spa University) Introduction: Lynne Farrington (Curator of Printed Books, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania) |
6:00pm - 8:30pm |
Closing Picnic Location: Shoemaker Green |