民国佛教期刊文献集成 Min guo Fojiao qi kan wen xian ji cheng (BQ 3 M564 2006 Index.1-Index.4)
二十世纪中国人物传记:资料索引 Er shi shi ji Zhongguo ren wu zhuan ji (DS 754.19 E7 2010 v. 1-4)
中国抗日战争史地图集 Zhongguo kang ri zhan zheng shi di tu ji (G2306.S6 Z455 1995)
Indexes of periodicals and other primary sources on women in Chinese history (HQ 1766--HQ 1861 Call Numbers)
Communist Party History (JQ 1519 Call Numbers)
Dictionaries of idiomatic Chinese 俗语 su yu and 成语 cheng yu (PL 1271 W5 1920-PL 1273 Z46 1989 Call Numbers)
Language Dictionaries (Chinese-Chinese, Chinese-English, Chinese-miscellaneous other languages) (PL 1420--PL 1498 Call Numbers)
汉语大词典 Han yu da ci dian (PL 1420 H36 1987 V. 1-13)
Dictionaries of Chinese dialects (PL 1510--PL 1900)
Reference works and research guides on modern and contemporary Chinese literature and film (PL 2277--PN 1993.5 Call Numbers)