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Media Activism: Overview

Annenberg Library

Oxford Bibliographies Online

In the Communication partition check out subject areas: Activist Media, Social Protest, Social Movements, Persuasion and Social Influence, and Political Communication.

Library of Congress Subject Heading to start with!

Looking for media activism resources?

Welcome to the Media Activism Resources Guide. This guide will help you locate books, articles, websites, and multimedia resources on the subject of activism and protest movements as they are supported, influenced, even thwarted by new and old media technologies.

A word about the structure of this guide. Activism is a big subject as it can pertain to any number of causes. No matter what area of activism you are interested in you will want to start with the next tab: General Databases.  Here are gathered the big social science and humanities article indexes where you can combine topics (gay marriage, breast feeding in public spaces, net neutrality) to media formats (radio, newspapers, street signage, etc.) and/or other communiation phenomena. The big news files are also here if you want to look at mainstream press coverage of a topic. 

Since there's lots of talk these days about new media and its influence on recent political movements here (Occupy, for instance) and around the world (especially in the Middle East) I have a category devoted to new media. This is the only media "format" I have segregated on it's own page. Other pages deal with broad topical areas-- Human Rights/Race/Migration; Gender/LGBT/Disability; Environment; Health/Bioethics; Media Reform; Criminal Justice; Education/Labor; Peace. Hopefully the issue you are interested in falls into one of these areas more or less. The last tab (or page), Institutional Approaches, has to do with resources about organizing in general, non-profit know how, lobbying and public relations. 

Notice my profile box to the right? That's how you get a hold of me with any questions or suggestions you have about this guide or anything if the field of communication you happen to be working on.

Selected Books

Subject Guide

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Katie Rawson
Subjects: Communication

Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media


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