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East View Census GIS Data Collections: Côte d'Ivoire 2014 Census GIS Data Collection

Dataset Overview

East View Geospatial Census Data Collection products are licensed by the Penn Libraries for the use of current Penn students, faculty, and staff. If you are not affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, then you should contact your library for access through their collections or contact East View.

East View Geospatial has reprocessed data from the Côte d'Ivoire Census of Population and Housing (Recensement Général de la Population et de l'Habitat (RGPH) 2014) published by Comité National du Recensement, Institut National de la Statistique, Républiqaue de Côte d'Ivoire..

Data content

This data product provides 654 census data variables for demographic, economic, housing, migration, and social characteristics in its ADM2 datasets, and .623 census data variables for demographic, housing, migration, and social characteristics in its ADM3 datasets. The data product does not include every variable collected by the Ivoirian census.

Geographic coverage

The smallest geographic unit of analysis for these variables is ADM3, Third-Order Administrative Division (Sous-Prefecture and Commune),with variables for ADM2, Second-Order Administrative Division (Departement) and ADM1, First Order Administrative Division (Region and District Autonome) . A parallel series of shapefiles provides ADM3 and ADM2 coverages. Geographic variables for placenames and codes are provided for 33 ADM1 (Region and District Autonome), 108 ADM2 (Departement), and 509 ADM3 Sous-Prefecture and Commune) geographic areas.

Data format

East Vew Geospatial has published the dataset in two formats: two ArcGIS geodatabases; four pairs of ArcGIS shapefiles, corresponding to  thematic content for ADM2 and ADM3 geographic coverage, and one ArcGIS shapefile with ADM2 geography. The dataset is projected as WGS1984.

Dataset Documentation

GIS Shapefiles

Demographic shapefiles

For Second-Order and Third-Order Administrative Divisions. Attribute variables include : Population : Total, Males, Females; Male to Female Ratio. Population by Age : Total, Male, Female. Birth Registration : Total, Male, Female. Marital Status by Citizenship : Total, Male, Female. Urban Population : Totals, Males, Females; Male to Female Ratio; Rate of Urbanization..

Economic shapefiles

For Second-Order Administrative Divisions only. Attribute variables include : Economic Activity : Net Activity Rate : Total, Males, Females. Unemployment Rate : Total, Males, Females. Percent of Employed in Prmary Sector, Secondary Sector, Tertiary Sector. Activity Rate of People Aged 60 Years and Over.

Housing shapefiles

For Second-Order and Third-Order Administrative Divisions. Attribute variables include : Number of Households; Average Household Size. Type of Toilet. Source of Water Supply. Source of Light. Main Source of Cooking Fuel. Disposal of Household Waste. Disposal of Wastewater. Information & Communications Technology Devices.

Migration shapefiles

For Second-Order and Third-Order Administrative Divisions. Attribute variables include : Ivoirian Citizens : Total, Males, Females. Non-Ivoirians : Total, Males, Females.

Social shapefiles

For Second-Order and Third-Order Administrative Divisions. Attribute variables include : Christian Population by Faith : Total, Male, Female by Citizenship. Non-Christian Population by Faith : Total, Male, Female by Citizenship. Literacy by Age Group, Sex, Citizenship. Level of Education by Age Group, Sex, Citizenship.

GIS Geodatabases

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