East View Geospatial Census Data Collection products are licensed by the Penn Libraries for the use of current Penn students, faculty, and staff. If you are not affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, then you should contact your library for access through their collections or contact East View.
East View Geospatial has reprocessed data from Tanzania 2012 Population and Housing Census published by National Statistics Bureau Tanzania.
This data product provides 3,327 census data variables for demographic, economic, housing, migration (ethnicity), social, and transportation characteristics. The data product does not include every variable collected by the Tanzania census.
The smallest geographic unit of analysis for these variables is ADM5, Fifth-Order Administrative Division (Hamlet / Enumeration Area), with variables for ADM4, (Village / Mtaa), ADM3 (Ward), ADM2 (District), and ADM1 (Region) Administration Division levels. Geographic variables for placenames and codes are provided for 108,465 ADM5 geographic areas..
East Vew Geospatial has published the dataset in two formats: two ArcGIS geodatabases; and nine ArcGIS shapefiles, corresponding to thematic content. The dataset is projected as GCS_WGS_1984.
For Fifth-Order Administrative Divisions. The Demographic shapefiles are separated into four separate datasets, owing to the large number of demographic charatcteristics variables. The geodatabases present all the demographic variables in a single attribute table.
For Fifth-Order Administrative Divisions. Attribute values include : Economic activity in 2011. Economic activity last week. Employment status. Occupation (16 categories). Industry (19 categories).
For Fifth-Order Administrative Divisions. Attribute values include : Household institution type. Urban/rural. Type of household (marital status), Head of household sex/age. Relationships to head of household. Housing occupancy/ownership status. Housing roof/floor material. Number of sleeping rooms. Source of drinking water/fuel used for cooking/lighting. Type of toilet/refuse disposal. Household possession of a radio, landline telephone, mobile phone, television, electric iron, charcoal iron, electric/gas cooker, fridge/freezer, computer/laptop, internet facility, plough, power tiller, hand hoe, wheel bower, oxen, donkey/camel, house, land/farm. Households engagement in agriculture, maize, rice, cassava, bananas, other crops. Households engagement in raising livestock, fish farming. Number of cows, goats, sheep, poultry per enumeration area.
For Fifth-Order Administrative Divisions. Attribute values include : Tanzanian citizenship. Country of citizenship. Place of usual residence. Number of persons who spend their daytime in a certain place. Area where time is spend during day. Birth certificate. Place of birth. Place of residence in 2011. Was there any diaspora in the household. Total males/females in diaspora.
For Second-Order and Third-Order Administrative Divisions. Attribute values include Ability to administer self care. Albino. Cleft palate. Hearing. Remember. Seeing. Walk. Spinal cord injury. Psoriasis. Spina bifida. Mental health disability. Other disability. Literacy. Educational attainment. School attendance. Member of National social security fund, Government employee provident fund, LAPF, NHIF and CHF, Parastatal pension fund, Public service pension fund, Zanzibar social security fund.
For Fifth-Order Administrative Divisions. Attribute values include : Possession of a bicycle, motor vehicle, motorcycle, guta (motorized cargo tricycle), bajaj (motorized passenger tricycle)..