East View Geospatial Census Data Collection products are licensed by the Penn Libraries for the use of current Penn students, faculty, and staff. If you are not affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, then you should contact your library for access through their collections or contact East View.
East View Geospatial has reprocessed data from the Malawi 2018 Population and Housing Census published by the National Statistical Office, Republic of Malawi.
This data product provides 297 census data variables on demographic, housing, migration, and social characteristics. The data product does not include every variable collected by the Malawi census. For some geographic areas, age-related variables were defined in different ways and these may display null values : see the XML metadata documents for more information.
The smallest geographic unit of analysis for these variables is ADM3 (Third-Order Administrative Division) - Traditional Authority - with variables for District (ADM2, Second-Order Administrative Division) and Region (ADM1, First-Order Administrative Division). Shapefiles provide ADM3 coverages. Geographic variables for placenames and codes are provided for 400 ADM3 Traditional Authorities, 32 ADM2 Districts, and 3 ADM1 Regions. For some data variables, values for multiple selected ADM3 geographic areas in Lilongwe CIty were aggregated, and some National Parks and Reserves may be combined with their parent ADM3 geographic areas : see the XML metadata documents for more information.
East Vew Geospatial has published the dataset in two formats: two ArcGIS geodatabase; four ArcGIS shapefiles, corresponding to thematic content for . The dataset is projected as Arc 1950 UTM Zone 36S.