East View Geospatial Census Data Collection products are licensed by the Penn Libraries for the use of current Penn students, faculty, and staff. If you are not affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, then you should contact your library for access through their collections or contact East View.
East View Geospatial has reprocessed data from South Africa's 2011 Census published by Statistics South Africa.
This data product provides 907 census data variables from 77 data tables for demographics, disability, dwellings, education, family, household goods, head of household, household and personal services, labor force, language, migration, and parental survival.
The geographic unit of analysis for these variables is the Small Area, the 2011 Census's basic reporting unit, falling between Enumeration Areas and Sub-Place Areas. Small Areas typically contain between 100 and 1,000 persons. The data product covers 84,907 Small Areas. Geographic codes are provided for higher-level geographies : Sub-Place, Main Place, Municipality (Metropolitan Municipalities and Local Muncipalities), District Council (or District Muncipalities), and Province.
East Vew Geospatial has published the dataset in two formats: one ArcGIS geodatabase; six ArcGIS shapefiles, corresponding to thematic content. The dataset is projected as WGS1984.