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HIST 329-301: The Great War in Memoir and Memory: Home

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You may also want to visit the more expansive guide, WWI Primary and Secondary Sources

First World War Primary Source Databases

he Royal Marines Band Passing the Cenotaph …, 19 July 1919, From "The First World War" database collections

Search Digital Newspapers to find newspaper stories, photographs, advertising contemporaneous with the war. Search dates that might be anniversaries for memorials and remembrances (e.g., 10 years, 20 years, 25 years, 50 years later) 

Primary Source Collections from Cultural Heritage Organizations

Inquiry conducted ...into Austro-Hungarian atrocities in Serbia

statistics on war atrocities from the British Library's World War One collection

Penn's World War I Digital Collections

Connect to pamphlets via the Hathi Trust Digital Library

Connect to pamphlets via Print at Penn.

Librarian for Classical Studies, Ancient History

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Rebecca Stuhr
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center 218
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Subjects: Classical Studies

Europeana 1914-1918

LetterHanddrawn illustration

 Letter     Daily Telegraph cover "Soldiers' Life in The French Trenches"     


Images taken from Europeana 1914-1918 searching "letters"

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