UPenn Online Books
Bible and Targum
Hebrew and Aramaic
- Bible - the Jewish canon, with Masoretic vowels (nekudot) (Mechon Mamre - UTF-8)
- Bible - the Jewish canon, with full Masoretic pointing (nekudot and te'amim) (Mechon Mamre - UTF-8)
- Bible - JPS 1917 English version (Mechon Mamre)
- Bible - parallel Hebrew - English (Mechon Mamre)
- Bible - Targum Onkelos to the Pentateuch (Mechon Mamre)
- Bible the Jewish canon, with Masoretic pointing - UTF-8 (Unicode) encoded (Pastor Didier Stadelmann, Switzerland)
Other Languages
Talmud, Midrash, Rabbinics, and Kabbalah
Other Texts
- The Kuran (English translation - searchable)
- Gnostic Society Library
Extensive collection of texts, including (in English, unless otherwise indicated):
- The Nag Hammadi Library (indexed, searchable - Gnostic Society Library)
- Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (UPenn)
- Prolegomena to the History of Israel, with a Reprint of the Article "Israel" from the "Encyclopaedia Britannica" by Julius Wellhausen; Translated from the German, under the Author's Supervision, by J. Sutherland Black and Allan Menzies; with Preface by W. Robertson Smith. Edinburgh, 1885 (Project Gutenberg; etext produced by Geoffrey Cowling)
- Rashi, by Maurice Liber; tr. from the French by Adele Szold. Philadelphia, The Jewish publication society of America, 1906 (Project Gutenberg; etext produced by Geoffrey Cowling)
- The Works of Flavius Josephus Translated by William Whiston
Collections/Archives - Alphabetized by Name
Collections/Archives - Alphabetic by Topic
Electronic Libraries/Collections
- APIS Advanced Papyrological Information System
- Assyrian Historiography a Source Study, by Albert Ten Eyck Olmstead, (Library Preservation Department, Case Western Reserve University Digital Library)
- The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (UCLA/Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
- Da'at - online repertory of articles in Jewish Studies (in Hebrew - searchable)
- The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford University
- ETANA Digitized Books ETANA - Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives (Case Western Reserve University)
- The Internet Public Library Online Texts Collection
- Labyrinth Library: Latin Texts
- ORB Medieval E-Text Library
- Perseus Project, Greek and Latin texts and translations, Tufts University
- Project Gutenberg
- Robert and Molly Freedman Jewish Music Archive, SCETI, University of Pennsylvania Library
- SCETI - Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, University of Pennsylvania Library
- The Steinschneider Bibliographical Database - A Digital and Bibliographical Framework for Research into Pre-Modern Hebrew Works in Philosophy, Science, and Belles-Lettres (Charles H. Manekin, Project Director - Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities)
- TITUS - Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien, an important and innovative site, principally for Indo-European languages, philology and linguistics, with searchable texts and databases (in German, English, French, Spanish)
- West Semitic Research Project Education Page - large repertory of texts in translation, with photographs of originals (University of Southern California School of Religion)