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Citation Management Tools: Organize Your Library

Keep track of articles and books. Make annotations. Create citations and bibliographies easily.

Set Up Sync

Once you create a Zotero account, you can sync your library to and be able to access your library from anywhere. Go to Zotero, select Preferences, then click on Sync. Type in your Zotero username and password, and select Set up Syncing.

If you use multiple computers, you can install Zotero on all of them and Zotero will keep each library updated through sync.

Keep Your Library Clean

When you save an item to Zotero, take a quick look to be sure all the citation information is correct and included. All the fields can be edited and if they contain the correct information, later on your citations will need less editing!

Convert the title or publisher fields to title case or sentence case by right clicking on the field.

For example, "Design with society: why socially responsive design is good enough" becomes "Design with Society: Why Socially Responsive Design Is Good Enough" when title case is selected.

Zotero Title Case Screenshot

Where's My Stuff? As your Zotero library grows, you may have an item in multiple folders. Or, you see the item in your library, but have no idea what folder or folders contain that item! To see all the folders an item is in, select the item and hold the Control (Windows) or Option (Mac) key. This will highlight all the folders that contain that item.

To include subfolders, expand all folders by click in the folders pane and pressing the + (plus) key.

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