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Classical Studies: Print and Online Resources at Penn: Web Sites and Print, E-, and New Books, Your Classical Studies Resource Room

Guide to finding resources in the area of literature and languages of Ancient Greece and Rome

Search the catalog-stay up-to-date

  • Search via key terms or subject terms.
  • You may sort your results by Pub Date (new to old) -- you can add specific dates in the "Advanced Search" 
  • You can filter by language, format (film, score, music, print book, electronic book, journal, newspaper), location, and more
  • You can also search "AND" "OR" and "NOT" to form boolean searches. For instance: 
  • (Greece OR Rome OR Islamic OR arab OR greek OR roman) AND medicine AND (ancient OR classical OR antiqu*) 
  • an *asertisk* truncates your terms. Unfortunately, gree* rom* are probably too ambiguous to be helpful truncated. but antiqu* works well (antique, antiquity) 

Guides, Libraries, Museums

Web Sites, Special Resources

Books of General Interest

Penn provides access to all of the titles on the Archaeopress site. 


Statue of serpents attacking three male figures

Photo of the Laocoön group taken by Klaus Wagensonner and used under a CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Classical Resource Room

The Classical Studies Resource Room holds a small collection of literary, historical, epigraphical, and reference works useful to the study of ancient texts. It is a noncirculating collection located on the third floor of the Van Pelt Library (room 301). The room has six tables for researchers to use.

Copyright and support for the publishing process

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