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U.S. Legislative Process: Congressional Record

This guide provides access to the documents processed in the legislative process in the U.S.

Congressional Record

The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873 and is still published today.  There are two editions of the Record, a daily one and a bound, permanent one. The daily edition reports each day's proceedings in Congress and is published on the succeeding day. Periodically, throughout a session, an index to the dailyRecord is published. At the end of each session of Congress, all of the daily editions are collected, re-paginated, and re-indexed into a permanent, bound edition. The bound edition usually takes several years to be published after a Congressional session ends.

Online Versions

Print/Microform Versions

Congressional Record
Bound edition (paper)  [Van Pelt Library Stacks: J11.R5], v. 1-130 1874 - 1984
Bound edition (paper)  [LIBRA Storage], v. 131-current<br>
Annals of Congress (1789 - 1824) - [Van Pelt Library Stacks: J 11 .A5]
Register of Debates (1824 - 1837) - [Van Pelt Library Stacks: J 11 .D5]
Congressional Globe(1833 - 1873) - [Van Pelt Library Stacks: J 11 .R5]

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