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U.S. Legislative Process: Reports and Documents

This guide provides access to the documents processed in the legislative process in the U.S.

House and Senate Reports and Documents

Following hearings and mark-up sessions, a committee will issue a report. Committee reports describe the purpose and provide a section-by-section analysis of a bill, indicate changes to existing laws,  and include minority opinions.  A bill will be reported favorably, with amendments, unfavorably, or with action postponed. A committee will rarely report a bill it does not recommend. A bill "dies" if it is not reported back to the chamber by the end of Congress. House and Senate Documents represent a wide range of publications including presidential messages and vetoes, budget-related materials, financial disclosure reports, special studies, and other documents requested by Congress. 

Online Versions

Individual Document SuDoc numbers

House and Senate Reports and Documents are cumulated into the Congressional Serial Set.

Individual publications SuDoc numbers
    Senate Documents        Y 1.1/3:Congress - #
    Senate Treaty Documents    Y 1.1/4:Congress - #
    Senate Reports        Y 1.1/5:Congress - #
    Senate Executive Reports    Y 1.1/6:Congress - #
    House Documents        Y 1.1/7:Congress - #
    House Reports        Y 1.1/8:Congress - #

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