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Circulation: Recalls


Contact us at the Van Pelt Library Circulation Desk:

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What are recalls?

Books you check out may be recalled for another user at any time.

What happens when a book is recalled?

The library will notify you to return the book by the new recall due date - usually 10 days. Once a book is recalled, the original due date is no longer in effect, and recall fines can accrue. You will receive an automatic emailed explaining that your due date has been changed. We use email notification whenever possible, so please be sure that we have your current email address.

If you find the book you need is on loan to another patron. Please contact the Van Pelt Circulation Desk at the below contact information, so that we may help you place a request for the title through BorrowDirect, E-Z Borrow and/or Interlibrary Loan.


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