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Using Franklin Catalog

Label - Field

Franklin Fields MARC Searched
Author/Creator (specific) 100, 110, plus relevant 880, exclude $4
Author/Creator (broader) 100/110 flip the $a over the comma, followed by other subf, excl $6 $t ; 100/ 110 exclude $6 $t; 111/ 700/ 710/ 711/ 800/ 810/ 811/ 400/ 410/ 411 Plus relevant 880. exclude $t. Translate $4 but not for 880.
Title (specific) 245 exclude $c $6 $h, plus relevant 880
Title (broader) 130, 210, 240, 245, 246, 247, 440, 490 exclude $c $6; 505 00 $t; 700, 710, 711 $t; 730, 740, 830 exclude $c $6; 773, 774, 780, 785 $s and $t only; plus relevant 880
Journal Title (specific) limit to resources coded with Leader/07 = s ; 245 exclude $c $6 $h
Journal Title (broader) limit to resources coded with Leader/07 = s ; 130, 210, 240, 245, 246, 247, 440, 490, 730, 740, 830, exclude $c $6; 773, 774, 780, 785 $s and $t only; 505 00 $t; 700, 710, 711 $t; plus 880
Subject 541, 561, 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 653, 69x, exclude $5 $6 $8
Series 400/410/411 #0 exclude $4,$6,$8; 400/410/411 #1 exclude $a,$4,$6,$8; 440 exclude $0,$6,$8,$w,$5; 800/810/811exclude $w,$0,$4,$5,$6,$8, $7; 830 exclude $w,$0,$5,$6,$8, $7; 533 $f, remove parens, keep text in parens plus relevant 880s
  655 exclude $2 $6
Publication 260 $b; 264 x1 $b
Place of Publication 260 $a ; 264 x1 $a ; 752 $a, $b, $c, $d, $f, $g, $h
Conference 111, 711, 811 ($a-d)
Corporate Author 110, 710, 810 ($a-d)
ISBN/ISSN 020 $a $z; 022 $a $z $1
Publisher Number 024 $a 028 $a
Call Number 852 $k $h $i $j
Language 008/35-37, converted to full words using LOC location list
Contents Note 505
Publication Date For 008/7-10 that does not start with u,x,or 9: replace any non-digit with a 0


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