The initial sort of all keyword searches is Relevance
A search using only the Browse by limits and/or an Author Browse or Subject Heading Browse search, will sort on the unique Franklin MMS ID number. In the results display, these numbers will be ranked smallest to largest in value. Search results may then be resorted by title, author, publication date, and date added.
When a keyword search is performed and a sort option other than the default relevance sort is selected, that sort option will be retained for subsequent keyword searches. The sticky sort will cease when a faceted only search is executed. A faceted search includes selecting only the limit values on the left of the search screen or viewing the values of an author or subject heading browse search.
The default sort for all searches in the Franklin Catalog is relevance rank. Numerous factors affect the relevance sort:
Franklin Fields | Keyword | Author | Title | Journal Title | Subject |
Author (specific) | 3 | 3 | |||
Author (broader) | 2 | .025 | |||
Title (Specific) | 2.5 | 3 | |||
Title (General) | 1.5 | 0.5 | |||
Journal title (Specific) | 3 | ||||
Journal title (General) | 0.5 | ||||
Subject | 1 | 1 for word, 1.5 for phrase | |||
Call Number | 0.5 | ||||
MARC full record | .0.25 |